Is God the egotistic, egomaniac monster that bible believing religionists make Him out to be with their bizarre theology that He will forever torture billions on top of billions of people that He created out of love in the eternal torture chamber of hell fire, not only the people who rejected the gospel...but also the people who never heard there was a gospel to reject?

Why would so many “bible loving” people blaspheme our loving Father God by such an accusation? Why would people claim they love God have such a sadistic low opinion of God? They condemn to hell the people of a race wanting to overtake the world and for training their own children to be able to accomplish that task by becoming suicide bombers, or for killing their own people even their babies and children. They also condemn men. women. children and babies to hell because they rejected to accept Christ or could not accept Him because they never heard of Jesus or His gospel.  These same “bible loving” people make God out to be worse than the worst terrorist out there. At least the atrocities of the terrorist are temporary and their punishment of people ends when the people they terrify die. But these “bible loving" people place God in the position of causing untold agony and punishment and far more inhumanly cruel than all the terrorist put together! Should we believe such "bible toten"
blasphemers and their religious hell?  Gandhi and Einstein both admired Jesus, while not "believing" in him in the orthodox Christian sense. But at least they didn't accuse him of being a tyrant allowing billions of people He lovingly created to suffer for in hell’s eternal flames.

Isn’t it ironic that the people with the lowest, basest opinions of Jesus are the people who pretend to "love" and "admire" Him in order to "save" themselves, while in effect telling the rest of the rest of God’s creation that He's the Devil. How can anyone "love" a being capable of causing or allowing their loved ones to suffer for all eternity? That would be like me pretending to "love" and "admire" Hitler during the Holocaust, in order to escape torture at the hands of the Nazis. But of course the driving impulse would be fear, not love and the driving force of the “bible lover’s” is FEAR. The Bible says that perfect love casts out fear because fear produces torment.

Should I believe in the perfect love of God, or in a hell that produces nothing but torment? What does the Bible say about it?

Did you know that literal, accuracy-focused English Bible versions like Young's Literal Translation and The Concordant Version do not contain the word "hell", or terms like "eternal punishment" and "forever and ever"? That's because those words and terms are not in the original language Greek and Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible. Amazingly, when we strictly follow common sense communication rules to translate a few key words and interpret a few key passages in Scripture, hell’s everlasting torture chamber disappears from the Bible...because it was never there in the first place.

Truly I say unto you, the tax collectors and prostitutes will enter the kingdom of heaven before the self-righteous. (Matthew 21:31) Think about it: Jesus had table fellowship with the outcasts of society, drank wine and partied with them, and reserved virtually all his criticism for the "religious experts" who failed to be hospitable to "sinners." Today conservative Christians despise anyone who doesn't meet their "high moral standards," while their self-righteousness makes people’s stomach churn. But Jesus clearly said that love and compassion were the real moral standards. Jesus said that the first would be last, and the last first. Was he just whistling Dixie, or did he mean what he said?

He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces. (Isaiah. 25: 8)

Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell [more actually, death] shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) There are billions people who have lived here on earth died without reading the Bible or knowing anything about Jesus. If most of mankind ends up going to "hell fire" then the gates of hell will have prevailed and Jesus will be just another inept, failed Messiah.

For unto this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially believers. (1 Timothy 4:10) This is only one of many Bible verses that say all men will be saved, and that God will be all in all (not "all in some" or all in the self-proclaimed "chosen few"). Paul said that all Israel would be saved, agreeing with the prophet Ezekiel, who also said that the Gentile nations, including Sodom, would be saved in the end, linking their salvation to Israel's. Paul said that different people would be saved at different times, in stages, with Jesus being the Firstfruits of the resurrection. Orthodox Christians ignore the best verses in the Bible to focus narrowly on the worst. Why is that? If we can't believe the best verses, why believe the worst?

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:22) We know that all human beings die; this verse clearly says that the same "all" shall be made alive, in Christ.

All flesh shall see the salvation of God. (Luke3:6)

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. (Jeremiah 31:3) In his epiphany on Divine Love in 1 Corinthians 13, Paul said that Divine Love never gives up, endures all things, and never fails, which sounds like the love of the best human mothers. But the Bible insists that the love of God exceeds human love, so how can human mothers exceed God in loving unconditionally?

Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! (Isaiah 49:15) This verse compares the love of God to the love of a human mother. Would any compassionate mother torture her child for a second, much less all eternity? No, the only suffering she might permit would be remedial suffering, such as surgery to correct a birth defect. And even then she would agonize with her child.

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. (1 John 2:1-2)

Verily I say unto you, all sins shall be forgiven unto the Sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme. (Mark 3:28)

Therefore just as one man's trespass led to condemnation for all, so one man's act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all. (Romans 5:18)

Father I do not support the “bible loving” people in their portrayal of you as a egotistical egomaniac terrorist and their belief that you will torment people in hell fire for eternity. Open the eyes of their heart to understand that the translated English Bible does not portray the actual true meaning of the words that are in the original and forgive them of their blasphemies. Also Father forgive those who would now condemn me to their religious hell for not believing that you are such a hating, unloving father that you would do such to the people you lovingly created. Open my heart Father to a greater understanding as to who you are and your plan for the Community of Humanity.


  1. Part 1.
    I always knew that you believed in the heresy of universalism but I couldn`t prove it till now.

    The true grace preacher Paul warned us about false teachers who would bring in damnable heresies. (2Pet.2:1) Not all heresies are damnable but universalism is one of them.

    Paul says again But though we, or an angel come from heaven, preach any other Gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed. Gal.1:6-8) I believe universal is another Gospel and bearer of it should be accursed.

    You take certain Scriptures out of context and make them say something they does not say in order to prove that all men will be saved. Just one example.

    Here is what you say: You quote Mark3:28 Verily I say unto you, all sins shall be forgiven unto the Sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme. (Mark 3:28)

    But if you will continue on with verses 29 and 30 it says different. There is a but in there which many who are preaching false grace does`t like.

    Mark 3:29-30King James Version (KJV)
    29But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
    30Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

    Here Christ says those that attribute the works of God to the devil will not receive any forgiveness but eternal damnation.

    Since Paul`s day, down through ages, these corrupt of the Holy Writ seem to have made much progress in art of deception. Paul warns us in Ephesians4:14 that they by sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, lie in wait to deceive. But thank God they cannot deceive us who know the word of God. They can only deceive those who believe that the Bible is full of errors.

    Paul said the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword.(Heb.4:12-13) In this Scripture the Word of God is personified and given qualities belonging only to a living person.

  2. Part 2.
    You ask the question, Did you know that literal, accuracy-focused English Bible versions like Young`s Literal Translation and the Concordant Version do not contain the word “hell”, or terms like “eternal punishment”and “forever and “ever”? That`s because those words and terms are not in original language Greek and Hebrew manuscripts of Bible.

    Since when did you become an expert in Hebrew and Greek enough to tell me whats in original manuscripts? Have you seen them? Or are you just believing something that you seen on internet.

    That`s exactly why I reject the modern day versions of Bible and just stick to King James Version. Most of them have come to us from corrupted manuscripts.

    God has providentially preserved for us the Greek New Testament from which the Authorized King James Bible was translated in 1611. This is known as Greek text of Stephens 1550, Later, in 1624 the edition of Elzevir was completed, in which a few minute variations appeared. However, these two translations are so close together, that either of these may be referred to as the Textus Receptus, or received Text.

    Our King James New Testament came to us from the Greek Textus Receptus, while the Old Testament came from the Massoretic Hebrew text.

    Dr. Nolan, who acquired fame for his Greek and Latin scholarship, spent 28 years in tracing the Received text back to its apostolic origin. The Textus Receptus, the basis for the King James Bible, has been proven to be in harmony with the translations whish go back to second century. While the King James Version of Bible is a translation, and not the original words given by inspiration of holy Spirit, there are a few mis-translations in the King James English,but every word is based upon a Greek word in the Textus Receptus which was given be inspiration of God.

    Any version of the Bible that does not agree with this text, is certainly founded upon manuscripts that have been corrupted by Westcott & Hort. The Greek text of Westcott and Hort changed the reading of the Greek Textus Receptus in 5,337 places.

    Since Westcott and Hort`s text is corrupt, all the modern day versions that are based upon it instead of the Textus Receptus is corrupt also.

    Take for instant Good News for Modern Man which should be called Bad News for Modern Man omits the precious Blood of Christ in at least 15 verses and word begotten in 8 verses.

    Then we have many modern day grace teachers coming out with their own Bibles that they have paraphrased as to omit words such as the wrath of God and judgments of God. Some of words that Paul used in his grace preaching seems to miss up their theology.

    Just one example before I close.

    Michael Brown in his tremendous book on hyper-grace says other modern grace teachers actually make God`s wrath disappear-- I`m not exaggerating--simply translating it out of their Bibles.A perfect example of this is found in Mick Mooney`s expanded paraphrase of Paul`s prison letters(Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Philemon) Some of his work is excellent and really inspiring, but some of it is simply wrong--very wrong. In some places he imposes his theology on the Word of God rather than building his theology from the Word.

  3. Hubert,

    Why would you think you have proof that I believe that all people will be saved because I do not believe in eternal hell's flame that you condemn people to. If that is your proof...I would not bring it to court because it will only show your ignorance as to what proof is.

  4. What about all Scriptures you have just quoted by twisting them to show that all will be saved and nobody goes to hell. If you don`t believe them then why did you quote them. You are confusing me.

  5. Did I write any commentery on the bibe verses...Does my quoting scripture consitute "twisting" scripture or does it confirm your confusion that you admit to be in. Does these scriptures cause you confusion because they do not support your belief that your everlasting hell fire does not have the fuel to keep burning?

    Jesus didn't teach on "hell", at least not the religious “HELL” that is the major doctrine of the religious system, so why do those that say they are His followers teach of such a hellish torture chamber where people go where the torturing continues eternity, forever without end?

    The meaning of the word "hell" as it is referred to today was not taught in the Old Testament...this fact begs the question...why do denominations teach about hell the way they do? In fact, the word Jesus uses for "hell" is not religion’s "hell", as in "a place of everlasting torment" at all, but "Gehenna", In the New Testament, Jesus referred to Gehenna as the valley of Hinnom, where garbage burned continually, corpses were sometimes deposited, and in earlier times, people had been sacrificed. He only referred to it to illustrate his lessons about spiritual growth in the earthly realm...that the earthly body was meaningless and would be thrown on the garbage dump. Some suggest he was warning the entire Jewish nation that it must turn away from its earthly focus and reform by being more concerned with spiritual growth and the inner person, and if it didn't, the Jews would be destroyed in fire. He was right, of course. Jerusalem and the temple were torched in 70 CE. which actually was a well-known dumping ground outside Jerusalem. People kept the dump burning with brimstone to keep the stink down, and the bodies of criminals were also thrown there. Jesus seems well to be saying, "Keep it up, pharisees, with this kind of self-righteous, violent, religiously-sanctioned and antagonistic way of thinking, don't be surprised if you end up in hell...Gehenna.

    However, Jesus didn't refer to hell as everlasting torment for people who didn't accept salvation or swear allegiance to him. By the time of the first English translations of the New Testament, the hell myth had been so well rooted in church tradition that where the translators saw "Gehenna," they simply inserted "hell" as the translation. That led to the misconception about hell being in the New Testament and in Jesus' teaching.

    If hell means the eternal torture of the vast majority of people who have ever lived...including most people you've ever met or will meet...and Christians are whistling and smiling happy on their way to heaven, without a care in the world because they and a few of their family and friends have repeated the magic “sinners" prayer. Yet, to those that had a chance to accept Christ but didn’t; its "to hell with them" as far as they are concerned...if that is the Christian’s belief then, are they not compassion-less, love-less and grace-less people, who portray God as being worse than Hitler?


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