The Freedom of Grace.

Religious Law-Keepers fear freedom. This is borne out by statements like this..."I wish hyper-grace was true, then I would be able to go out and commit adultery and not have to worry about going to heaven. To make such a statement shows a lack of understanding as to what the Grace Gospel really is. It shows that a relationship with God is not based on love because if the law was of none effect he would indulge in the lusts of the flesh and go on a sinning spree, His relationship with God is based on the fear of God and the fear of "hell fire."

Religion is afraid that if law keeping isn’t enforce, people will go on a sinning-spree without the Law standards to live by. Religion is apparently ignorant of the fact that Christ lives in the believer and desires to live His life through them.

If I am not under the Law, why shouldn’t I be an adulterer? Because Christ who lives in me isn’t a adulterer.
If I am not under the Law, why shouldn't I be a hater? Because Christ who lives in me isn't a hater.
If I’m not under the Law, why shouldn’t I be a killer? Because Christ who lives in me isn’t a killer.
If I am not under the Law, why shouldn't I be a liar? Because Christ in me isn't a liar.
If I am not under the Law, why shouldn't I rob a bank? Because Christ in me isn't a robber.

As children in the Community of the Redeemed, we are to be led by the Spirit of Christ within. By listening to Him, He will lead us into all truth and empower us to carry out the desire of our loving God in the Community of Humanity.

How many of us like Paul would declare; I count everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ (Philippians 3:7- 8).

What does Grace do when it fully understood by the human heart and mind? It moves people to abandon everything in the past...all self-trust,,,self-righteousness...self-effort...self-knowledge and all self deception...all present religious positions, all religious titles, all religious denominations, all man-made religious doctrine...all religious motivation...all religious manipulation and control, and become completely surrendered to and enamored with Jesus Christ.

Grace moves a person's heart to higher and greater desire to know Him and be faithful to Him, experience His resurrected life, and motivated to be led by His life within. Grace living is what believers were born for. It is Grace truth that sets you free to love as He loves in service to the Community of Humanity.

Grace is a Person “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3).

Grace reality enables you to have Christ live his life through you. And with Christ in you, He is your everything and you have God’s Everything.

You are spiritually wealthy.


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