The Idolized Bible.

Though the original manuscripts of scriptures that were inspired by the Holy Spirit, may be found in a collection of writings that make up the Bible it does not authenticate Bible inerrancy. The Bible was WRITTEN BY HUMAN FALLIBLE MEN. Those writings were translated from the original languages and INTERPRETED, once again by FALLIBLE MEN, that WERE NOT INSPIRED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT but by various other motives including fulfilling the wishes of King James. If those translations and versions of the scriptures were inspired and guided by the the Holy Spirit there would we have so much ambiguity and the formations of so many different denominations all claiming to have the right interpretation of the Bible? Would we not only have ONE SINGLE VERSION because the Holy Spirit ONLY SPEAKS TRUTH?

The power of deception lies in (not the Bible itself) but various Bible interpretations and applications of the its scriptures, that is why there are so many church denominations, each with their own TWISTED version of the “TRUTH and their OWN interpretation and application of the Bible.

Jesus did not inform us to keep our eyes open for a leather bound book that will contain . The scriptures only TESTIFY OF Jesus. Jesus sent us the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, the HOLY SPIRIT, to GUIDE us INTO ALL TRUTH.

The Holy Spirit IS the FINAL AUTHORITY...not ANY version of the Bible. The Holy Spirit IS the SPIRIT OF CHRIST. The Holy Spirit CANNOT FAIL but the various versions of the scriptures are UTTERLY FALLIBLE because they were PRODUCED by FALLIBLE MEN.

I as a FOLLOWER of Jesus and a SON OF GOD, do not subscribe to any version of the man-translated, man-interpreted Bible as error-less or infallible, neither neither am I as a follower of Christ the property of any Religious ORGANIZATION that calls itself a “church. If I were to be, am I not preventing myself to be LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT God's choice for spiritual instruction.

Believers belong to Jesus Christ, their authority is HIM alone. Jesus Christ is their FINAL AUTHORITY, they SUBMIT to Him, they FOLLOW and OBEY HIM in front of whom every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.

Giving the Bible is rightful place is not demeaning the Bible BUT, elevating the Bible to  a wrongful place as the Living Word of God" is demeaning Jesus, whom the Bible claims is the "Living Word" of God.

Who is YOUR FINAL AUTHORITY? King James and his "self-authorized" Bible or Jesus Christ the Living Son of the Living God?


Though the original manuscripts of scriptures that were inspired by the Holy Spirit, may be found in a collection of writings that make up the Bible it does not authenticate Bible inerrancy. The Bible was WRITTEN BY HUMAN FALLIBLE MEN. Those writings were translated from the original languages and INTERPRETED, once again by FALLIBLE MEN, that WERE NOT INSPIRED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT but by various other motives including fulfilling the wishes of King James. If those translations and versions of the scriptures were inspired and guided by the the Holy Spirit there would we have so much ambiguity and the formations of so many different denominations all claiming to have the right interpretation of the Bible? Would we not only have ONE SINGLE VERSION because the Holy Spirit ONLY SPEAKS TRUTH?

The power of deception lies in various interpretations and applications of the scriptures and that is why there are so many church denominations, each with their own TWISTED version of the “TRUTH and their OWN interpretation and application of the Bible.

Jesus did not inform us to keep our eyes open for a leather bound book that will contain . The scriptures only TESTIFY OF Jesus. Jesus sent us the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, the HOLY SPIRIT, to GUIDE us INTO ALL TRUTH.

The Holy Spirit IS the FINAL AUTHORITY...not ANY version of the Bible. The Holy Spirit IS the SPIRIT OF CHRIST. The Holy Spirit CANNOT FAIL but the various versions of the scriptures are UTTERLY FALLIBLE because they were PRODUCED by FALLIBLE MEN.

I as a FOLLOWER of Jesus and a SON OF GOD, do not subscribe to any version of the man-translated, man-interpreted Bible as errorless or infallible, neither neither am I as a follower of Christ the property of any ORGANIZATION that calls itself a “church. If I were to do so am I not preventing myself to be LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Believers belong to Jesus Christ, their authority is HIM alone. Jesus Christ is their FINAL AUTHORITY, they SUBMIT to Him, they FOLLOW and OBEY HIM in front of whom every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.

Giving the Bible is rightful place is not demeaning the Bible BUT, elevating the Bible to  a wrongful place as the Living Word of God" is demeaning Jesus, whom the Bible claims is the "Living Word" of God.

Who is YOUR FINAL AUTHORITY? King James and his "self-authorized" Bible or Jesus Christ the Living Son of the Living God?


  1. The Bible says that the Bereans searched the Scriptures daily to see if these things that Paul preached were in it. If I`m going to believe something because you said the Spirit told you, then if the spirit didn`t tell you, then i`m going to be deceived but if I checks it with Scriptures then I wont go wrong.

    You say and I quote The Holy Spirit IS the FINAL AUTHORITY. I agree with you but I don`t believe the Holy Spirit will tell us anything that will contradict the Scriptures. If it do then it is not Holy Spirit but another spirit and that is why Paul tells us to test the spirits. So I can know what spirit you are off by testing it according to grace preacher Paul.

    1. Hubert,

      Part One. said and I quote; “If I`m going to believe something because you said the Spirit told you, then if the spirit didn`t tell you, then i`m going to be deceived but if I checks it with Scriptures then I wont go wrong.”

      Are you saying that you are so spiritually intune with the mind of God that you ALWAYS INTERPRET scripture correctly? Is it possible that somebody could have heard from the Spirit of serch the scripture from you perceived viewpoint, confirming that what was said is wrong because it does not line up with your perceived and deceived interpretation is because you are so spiritually arrgorant and you “can’t” be wrong because deception can’t happen to you?

      Don’t bury your head in the sand: it is frighteningly easy for you to fall into deception even though you think you can’t. The devastating thing is that you could be deluded in what you believe completely unaware of it, therefore, when you search the scripture you are searchin for soething to back up the deception you believe to be truth. You are in the greatest danger of deception because you think it couldn’t happen to you because you are so “spiritually” intune. Those who murdered their Messiah were appalled that their ancestors had killed God’s prophets. They were certain they would never do such a thing.

      Paul wrote:

      1 Corinthians 4:4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me.

      Let these Scriptures speak as to whether you can be deceived or not:

      Proverbs 16:2 All a man’s ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD.

      Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.

      Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

      Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible.

      Matthew 25:44,46 They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ . . . Then they will go away to eternal punishment

      James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. . . .

      James 1:26 If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself . . .

      If we are to truly hear from God, it is essential that we avoid the trap of blindly assuming that if it is contrary to our indoctrinated doctrines it is not of God.

      You may have walked with God for a long time, as have others, and you will not live long enough, but not long enough to sometimes mishearing Him because what the Lord was seeking to tell you was contrary to denominated understanding of scripture. Scripture insists that as the sky soars way beyond our reach, so are God’s ways far beyond our own (Isaiah 55:8). Yet still you unconsciously develop presumptions about God’s ways that seriously distort what he is seeking to tell you.

    2. Part 2
      No matter how sincere...your preconceptions blind you to spiritul possibilities, without you realizing it. They have horrifying potential to send you spinning into delusion.

      Mindsets, whether positive or negative, can dangerously cloud your perception of spiritual reality and of what your spiritual teachers are really saying. For example, there are people whose tragic pasts have convinced them that they are unlovable. They are loved by the most loving and most important person in the entire universe...our Loving God...yet they still can’t accept it and, despite everything, they continue to feel utterly unloved because of the religious deception infusion thay have sat under.

      Read one person’s experience that is an example of how preconceptions distort our ability to hear from God.

      Start quote;
      “I had an abusive father who only sent me to church to get a free baby sitter. I often looked at God as similar to my father. I stopped attending church when I was 13. I tried to be a good Christian for a while, but before long I plunged from being a good kid to being a mean spirited, hateful person.

      I tried numerous times to get back to God but each time I hit a wall of fear that was so unbearable that I felt compelled to turn away from God. I often told myself that this fear was God’s punishment for my gross sins and that it proved I was beyond forgiveness. I had a lot of bad thoughts about God that I had no control over. As a result, I often slipped into depression. I would then get on medication and return to my sinful lifestyle.

      It seemed the only way I could function was to eliminate God from my life. I did fine for a while. I got married and had a son. I got off drugs and alcohol. I even started a business. For the first time in my life I was finally happy. I thought I had completely erased my past.

      Then I began to think that all these good things were from God. I told myself, “It can’t be! There is no God!”

      “Why do so many people love God?” I puzzled, “He wants only to send everyone to hell.” Wondering if I had overlooked something, I explored a number of websites and learned a lot about God. I asked myself, “Why do I despise God so much?” Within a couple of days I was once again overwhelmed by fear. I told myself, “This fear is surely God again; I remember this from years ago.” I immediately cried and began repenting. I vowed that I would face my fear of God. I turned my back on everything evil in my life.

      I started reading the Bible but I was afraid that it would only confirm that I’m condemned. Before long, it felt like everything in the Bible somehow condemned me. My mother worried about my spiritual state and visited me a lot. I would often tell her, “Look, this verse right here proves I’m going to hell!” We would then go over it and discover its meaning was totally different. I couldn’t figure out why I could read something and get such a condemning message from it. I would often stop reading the Bible because oppressive fear would come over me.

    3. Part 3
      I bought a book about spiritual warfare. All was fine for a while, then even that book seemed to be condemning me and in despair I put it down. Eventually, I forced myself to open the book again. I re-read the condemning sentence I had underlined. To my surprise, I couldn’t find anything in it that could lead me to feel condemned.

      I began to notice that as I read, fear would sweep over me, causing me to throw the book down without finishing the sentence.

      I eventually learned that the fear and condemnation were not from God, as I had always thought, but were from the enemy. This discovery changed everything. I looked back on all the things in my life that I had considered were from God and realized that they were not from him at all.” End quote.

      This person’s experience might be far more extreme than yours but any preconception you have about God and his will is just as capable of distorting what God wants to tell you, and, like this person, wherever you look in the Bible to support you preconceived beliefs, you’ll find much to confirm your presumption...whether it is really there or not.

      Hubert, You “MUST” confuse neither wishful thinking, nor confuse fear or pessimism with God’s leading.


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