Isn't it two Faced to mouth that God is Love...then mouth off that Love Fails!


Many people who claim that God is love and that love never fails do not believe love wins. They live and preach and teach that God is love...BUT...He somehow loses His love and destines people to eternal damnation in the torture chamber of eternal hell fire because they (some through no fault of their own) have not accepted Jesus as their Savior...or they have accepted Him but, have failed to measure up failing to keep the rules of maintaining that salvation.

These people, rather than believe the scripture, the historical and contextual meaning of the word hell...choose to believe the guilt-ridden psyche of Augustine and the tormented fantasies of Dante, they have been deluded by the terrors of pagan nonsensecial nonsense and are moved from the simplicity that is in Christ (2 Cor. 11:3).

LOVE never fails "ARE", words of victory, empowerment, encouragement, and hope. For most of my life, I embraced teachings built on well-defined arguments for why LOVE SOMETIMES FAILS. Why have I forsaken the well defined arguments for why love sometimes fails is that I have radically altered the way I now see, and what I believe about, the One who is Love.

It is a simple truth that can be summed up in two mighty words...LOVE WINS...these words are based on...God is Love...and...Love never fails validated by scripture.

All the while I believed what I was traditionally taught about hell, I continually suppressed the lack of contentment and joy lacking in my salvation due to believing that the vast majority of people...the crowning glory of God's creation...were going to suffer in hell for eternity, world without end. Does not this teaching render the "will of man" to be more powerful than the "will of God", who wills that "everybody" be saved. Is there anyone out there who really believes such absurdity?

I no longer believe that our all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving God created billions  and billions of people knowing the vast majority would be tormented in hell forever...or that man's free-will to damn himself by not accepting Him be “absolute,” and greater than God’s “free will” to save him, the crowing glory of His creation...or, that Adam’s power to condemn us is more powerful than Christ’s power to save us?

The unequivocal fact is, LOVE WINS, and to disbelieve it because Mr. Rob Bell wrote a book entitled "Love Wins" and now has his own spot on OWN TV, is to disbelieve the fact that GOD IS LOVE and that LOVE NEVER FAILS and disbelieving the scripture that declares such!

I chose to believe that my understanding of hell was wrong rather than believe that God is a liar by my not believing that He is LOVE and that His LOVE never fails and His LOVE eventually looses!

Yes, God is LOVE...Yes LOVE never fails...Yes LOVE wins.

Therefore, no matter how much the religionist claim the devil wins because the vast majority of God's creation burn in hell's torture chamber forever.



  1. No I am not deceived by Augustine or Dante as you suggest. I am deceived by Jesus Christ. It was Christ who told me that hell was hot and that I should avoid it at all cost even if it mentioned plucking out my eye or getting rid of a member.


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