Gospel Tragedy.

The great tragedy of the man-run-gospel is that the event-driven-programs are so well organized they have limited church to a meeting-event that can operate void of the Spirit of God. It behooves us to stop and examine our lives to see if we have become satisfied with a form that simply uses His name as magic words in a formula rather than having an intimate love relationship with Him that gives power to His name. A relational relationship with Jesus provides the dynamic power of a Living Christ, who in reality never leaves us. The seven-day-relationship with Him has been replaced by a  Sunday-Event-Driven-Business and we are too busy preoccupied with the distractions of this man-made business to be aware of His Presence therefore, unable to move in His Power in living life.

Each of us must take responsibility for our personal relationship with Christ. When He begins to take His proper place in our daily living, He ceases to be merely a event-driven-meeting God,  just a great teacher from the past, the Christian's Santa Clause in  the sky, the sinner punishing  God or the “founder” of the “Christian” religion. He becomes your teacher in the “NOW” with whom you are in relationship with. He ascends in our hearts until He fills all things! He becomes to us the Head of His Church that He has always been, He empowers us to do His will instead of us doing man's will

When everything revolves around a two-hour-weekend-meeting, a sermon and a program, people are taught about God, but little is learned about one another. So many misunderstandings develop between leaders and God, leaders and people, and between the people themselves simply because of the lack of understanding the Gospel and genuine relationship communication. There is little or no One-Anothering!

Void of a dynamic relationship with God and settling for fellowship about God, this man-made church system has become a business, maintaining its own existence on the tithes and offerings of misinformed people. This is not the church Jesus is building. His church is on the move, driving back the forces of darkness! She rises to work with Him and with those she is called to serve. She ministers to the hurting and abused of society. In this we find a deeper part of His Heart, and tap into a wellspring of Love’s power that empowers the believer for relationship that relates with and loves to one-another people.


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