Why did God Create Man?

The correct answer to that question would illuminate our understanding regarding the Gospel of Christ and how far removed the religious gospel is from God's plan and purpose for the Community of Humanity.

The religious gospel is mainly about people going to heaven or hell, and the purpose of Gospel is to save man so they will go to heaven and escape eternal suffering in torture chamber of hell...a figment of man's defiled imagination...at least in the way it is taught by hell-fire and brimstone adherents.

Jesus' prayer was "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on EARTH as it is in heaven." The Gospel is not about getting the atmosphere of earth to heaven...can you imagine the hell-hole heaven would be if that were the case....The Gospel is about getting the atmosphere of heaven to earth...can you imagine how heavenly on the earth that would be!

I wonder:
How many different denominated groups are in heaven?
How many segregated church buildings are in heaven?
How many denominated preacher-tainers preaching man-prepared-denominated-doctrines in heaven?
Is the Bible the "Living Word of God in heaven?
How many Bibles are in heaven?
How many Sunday-Go-Programmed-Event-Driven-Meetings take place in heaven?
How many prosperity conferences are taking place in heaven?
How many denominated organized conventions are in heaven?
How many denominated church hierarchies in heaven?
How many denominated seminaries are in heaven?
How many religious rules, regulations and Mosaic laws govern in heaven?
How much hell-fire-and brimstone fear-mongering is taking place in heaven?
How much tithe-gathering takes place in heaven?
I would hazard a guess and say...NONE!

If these things are not taking place in heaven, and God desires that the atmosphere of heaven come to earth...then pray tell...why are God's people so much involved with such things on earth and are known as being godly for doing such things?

How much LOVE is in heaven? The whole atmosphere of heaven is LOVE...So why are so many of God's people loveless when it comes to their judgement and condemnation of people!

God created the earth so that He could from His heart of love create the Community of Humanity...the crowing glory of His creation. Why does God LOVE man? Because people as His Community of the Redeemed would be the medium that God desires to express Himself to the Community of Humanity in the earth..."Jesus was the express image of God"..."As Jesus was in the earth so are man to be in the earth...The EXPRESS image of God!

However religion's gospel has deceived God’s people into thinking that the main thing for them is that they would go to a place called heaven when they die...if they were good enough. To get them good enough to go to heaven the religious gospel fear-mongers them and frightens them into religious submission by the teaching of eternal damnation in hell fire. When the true Gospel as reveled by Scripture is that God wants to come to earth and live and be expressed in and through MAN! God created man, so that He could have a dwelling place. "In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit" (Eph. 2:21-22).

Sunday-go meeting participation is not the CHURCH in action...it is religious counteraction to true Church participation.

The Gospel is God expressed through man in their daily living of life...what takes place in the Sunday-go-meetings is far from what takes place in the daily living!

Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light" (Eph. 5:14).There is a sleeping giant within us that is shrouded because we are in a religious drunken stupor, we need to sober up and awaken to understand the Gospel Truth and Grace.

You were formed out of the very substance of God. His life and nature, is within the core of your being. That is why it is said in Revelation 14:1, "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads."

"And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads" (Rev. 22:4).

The name represents the character of Christ. These are they who have been renewed in the spirit of their mind. There are people of God on the earth today who are having the name of God written on their foreheads. They are being Grace transformed into His character and nature, and are becoming the fullness of God on the earth. They are having their minds renewed to see the difference between the religious and the spiritual life. They realize that religion must be swallowed up by Grace and the love of Christ within.

There is no amount of self-seeking or self-righteous works that we can do to make this happen. It is a work entirely of the Spirit within us. When we get our eyes off of Adam and onto Christ within us, then from the very center of our being arises the ascended, transcendent, Spirit of the living God. His life and character matures within us, instead of our self-life. We begin to experience what the Apostle Paul said, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me" (Gal. 2:20).

That is the good news of the gospel. The gospel is not about what you have to do after you are saved. It is not about making the natural life better. You can't work out your salvation by natural means and methods by doing what religion says...but by sitting at the feet of Jesus and learning to hear His voice and then doing what He says. God wants to saturate and permeate your being with His life and nature so that the atmosphere of heaven will fill the earth with His GLORY!

And how I long for that day where Jesus Christ is SUPREME and man-made religion is DEAD...BURIED...and FORGOTTEN ! Do you?


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