Misconceptions about Satan.

How many have heard or read and believe the following:

"When you carry the Bible...Satan gets a headache."
"When you open the Bible...Satan falters and collapses."
"When Satan sees you reading the Bible...he gets weak."
"When you stand on the Bible...Satan can't hurt you."

I believe a little different!

When you carry the Bible...Satan gets a head-rush.
When you open the Bible...Satan relaxes, thinking he is stronger.
When Satan sees you reading the Bible...he confuses and frustrates you.
When you stand on the Bible...Satan dances the dance of the victor because he can hurt you.


Because...carrying, opening, reading and standing on the Bible does not cause Satan to tremble with knee-knocking fear or give one victory over him. No doubt he would like people to think and believe so, and as the great deceiver he has deceived many of God's people to believe so. His deception is accepted by many believers.

Let me ask...If there was no Bible to carry, open, read or stand on...which was the fact for thousands of years...did people know and have a relationship with the Divine? Were they protected from Satan's wiles and deceptions? If so, how? If there were no Bible today, would people be protected from Satan? The Bible is a book that points to the person that defeated Satan, rendered him helpless and running scared, long before the Bible was even a figment of man's imagination let alone a product of man's imagination.

Satan has deceived God's people into believing that the Bible gives the believer supreme authority, he has people believing that without the Bible people cannot be saved, he has people believing that the Bible is the source for denominational churches, he has people believing that the Bible and man's interpretation of it is the guide for Christian living, he has people believing that the Bible is a to-do or not-to-do religious-rule-book to follow, he has people believing that the Bible is the Living Word of God, He has people believing that the Bible supports that the Sunday-go-meeting-gathering is the Church that Jesus is building in action, he has deceived people into believing that that the Bible is the source for segregated congregations gathering in denominated buildings, he has people believing that the Bible is a denomination-making book, He has deceived people into believing that God is a sadistic, revengeful and punishing God. Satan has the majority of believers believing that the Bible is a fear-mongering...judging-of-people...sinner-condemning...and a hell-fire-torture-chamber-people-burning...for eternity-book!

Satan has people deceived into making the Bible an IDOL by placing it above Jesus the Living WORD as the source of spiritual enlightenment and power.

If Satan can keep believers believing their gaining and maintaining of their relationship with God is Bible dependent rather than Jesus dependent, he will continue to dance the dance of the victor even when believers carry, open read and stand on the Bible!

Standing in Jesus, living in Jesus and Jesus living in us as our source and power is what makes the devil tremble, he doesn't fear the written word...the Bible...He fears...the Living Word...Jesus. Not standing on or putting our faith in the Bible as the Living Word of God is what will give us a vital relationship with God and the spiritual strength to live a victorious grace-living life!

The Bible is not the source that gives validity to Jesus...
Jesus is the source that gives validity to the Bible.

The Bible is NOT the Living Word of God...JESUS IS the LIVING WORD of GOD!

At least that's the way Glenn sees it.


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