The "I wills".

The “I will do's” of religion under-minds the "I have done's" of Christ... I will pull down my barns...I will build greater...I will bestow all my fruits and my goods into my barns...I will take it easy and do things my way...I will eat, drink and be merry. Jesus did not come to do man's "I wills", He did not even come to do His "own will", He came to do the will of His loving Father.

Many attempt to gain entrance to the Kingdom of God by the "I wills"...I will find God by doing the "I wills" of my denomination...I will gain favor with God by doing my religious "I wills"...I will maintain my relationship with God by doing the man-made "I wills"...the "I wills" will lead to spiritual destruction.

The "I will" religionists are lost in the deceptions of Satan and believe his lie that the "I wills"  is the way to God's approval.

The "I will" is a way that seems right unto the deceived religionist but the end thereof is death. For in this way unto death, all of the ways are “our own ways” or the "I wills".  Religionists  believe every word of this evil "I will way", which makes them confident in “their own way"; but Grace people know the folly of going where these deceived go about doing their "I wills" in order to gain favor with God. People who are deceived by this evil "I will way" are in error and it is Anti-God...Anti-Love..Anti -Grace...Anti-Mercy...and Anti-Forgiving and ignorant to the fullness of the Grace Gospel and the goodness of God that leads to repentance.


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