Why do we Believe Wrong Believing is Right Believing?

I have concluded that some things of which I had been led to believe and believed to be the gospel rightness, in reality was gospel wrongness. I now conclude that my stubbornness in believing what I believed was right was because in my deception, I liked my delusion because it agreed with what I accepted as truth and that it lined up with my accepted believing. I chose to believe that the delusional delusions of the seminarian hierarchy professionals was God's method of supplying me with the spiritual truth that He wanted me to know. The self-delusion of the self-disillusioned fostered my self-delusion making it acceptable for me to accept the delusion as truth. 

The problem is that in our delusional delusions we interpret our own spiritual ‘experiences’ according to our denominational influences, agendas, and desires that conform with the denominated group beliefs that is most important for the denominated groups survival. That, unfortunately, means maintaining the position of questioner, questioning ourselves about our own reasons for believing what we believe. An awareness of our own spiritual vulnerabilities and prejudices regarding biblical interpretation and our beliefs must be considered a wise thing. The problem is that the denominated groups we belong to frown upon the questioning of established beliefs.

My non-biased bible study through the lens of Jesus...the express image of God...has convinced me that many of the doctrinal beliefs I believed to be correct was riddled with error. There is a great danger of being wrong when we take anything a leader teaches at face value just because he is seminarian trained. Thus, the danger of basing belief on blind faith or trust, in taking what we are told as biblical truth to be biblical truth...because in a lot of cases it is not biblical truth.

We tend to believe the teachings of denominated seminarian leaders as truth. What we accept as truth when it has no basis in truth, becomes very firmly rooted as truth to us because of our faith, trust, and love for our denomination's perceived authenticity. In the end, people love their own denominational beliefs with a passion that even surpasses their passion for TRUTH.

Man-made religion encourages self-delusion because it is people's self-delusional delusions that keep the wheels of the religion turning. We should have compassion for the deluded and understand why people get comfort from their delusions, but we must realize that deeply held religious delusions can be dangerously erred.

We should not study the Bible in light of what we believe so we can ratify our acceptance of our denominated interpretation. Rather we study the Bible to formulate what we believe to ratify our relationship with God...who is LOVE!


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