Is Segregation God's plan for His Community of the Redeemed?

Independence, segregation, separation, self-sufficiency, and division are tools of the devil used by man to maintain the disposition to be exclusive in the acceptance of people according to denominational barriers of doctrinal beliefs.

Do we honestly believe that the above is the plan of God for giving us Jesus in order to bring us into relationship with Him and in the establishment of His Church? Is this the direction the Holy Spirit has taken to bring people into the kingdom of God?

What Jesus did on the cross is a vital part of His testimony to His Church, and to the people of the world. He brought to naught the disintegrating effects of sin in a person's life and the devils interference with God’s creation, the Community of the Redeemed...His Church.

The goal of satanic activity is to separate, segregate, divide and to cause conflict, confusion, discontentment and strife, especially within the Community of the Redeemed.

God created the universe and His creation worked in perfect unity. Man was created as part of the universe and was in perfect unity with the cosmos and with each other as demonstrated by Adam and his family in the garden. God’s one unity of a universe and the unity of man within the universe was broken into fragments because of satanic interference and His whole creation was introduced to discord, disharmony and schism. Prior to this intrusion by satan the cosmos man with man related in unified atmospheric unity. However, since this intrusion the unity of the cosmos with each of its parts, and the unity of man with man has been torn asunder and upheaval is the result.

The cosmic universe will be restored to unity by God at His appointed time. However, to rectify the results of this intrusion upon His relationship with man and man's relationship with man, God sent Jesus so the disunity would be destroyed and again man would experience unity and harmony within His Community of the Redeemed! This is borne out by the prayer of Jesus in John :17: “...that they may all be one even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us." That is the prayer with which He goes to Calvary, and that prayer was answered in Calvary. That prayer has been wholly and fully answered through the Cross...yet religion has brought to naught that great accomplishment of the cross.

We need to realize that as believers Christ will never do any more to make us one and unified than we already are. In Christ is the unity of the believer which can never be improved upon. In and of ourselves due to the religious differences, the visible Body of Christ is segregated, dismembered, discouraged, dysfunctional and disunited. The Holy Spirit's presence in all the members of the Body is the unifying factor in oneness, it runs deeper than consciousness, reason, feeling, recognition; it is the basis of our very life in Christ, a oneness is constituted deep down in every child of God like the oneness which exists between the Father and the Son. It is a shame to the gospel that the provision for its manifestation in the earth today is hindered by segregated denominational disunity.

As believers we are never commanded to make the unity of the Spirit, we are exhorted to maintain it, to guard it. That means that first of all we must take unity as existing. Their is only one Body of Christ. He prayed the unity prayer as He went to the cross, and in the Cross that prayer was answered. The testimony of Jesus includes that great truth that by His Cross He has conquered the enemy, and destroyed that part of the enemy's work which brought disruption into God's creation. And in the new creation that spiritual, organic oneness is not only recovered, but established beyond the reach of again being destroyed. It is disheartening that the religious world is such that it maintains disunity and hinders unity from being visible.

The more religiously minded we are the more we fail to experience the reality of the oneness of the Body that is to be experienced and manifested post cross. The more we allow the unity that is through Christ be the dominating factor in our fellowshipping, the more impossible it will be to allow the man-made-systems of divisiveness and segregation to operate and control our lives.
Christ has already set us free to be unified under His Headship, why do we play the harlot and join ourselves to the disjointed and disuniting factor of religion and allow them the right to govern His Church


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