Gay Marriage...I trust this makes you Thinken-Glad instead of Stinken-Mad!

Gay Marriaae...I trust this makes you Thinken-Glad instead of Stinken-Mad! March 09, 2017 Speaking or writing, is merely a creative narrative to reveals our view of the issue...or...the way we want others to see and understand our view about the issue at hand, even if our narrative is not the reality of the of the issue present. The narrative we tell could be largely fabricated fiction born out of fear and desperation because of a sense of losing control over something…especially loosing control over people. Fear-mongering is a classic way to get people to carry the flag of conformity and keep them doing the do’s and not do the don’ts that are expected of them. One of the most used stories told to control biased people in today's world is the gay marriage issue and the threatening that “hell fire and brimstone story of eternal punishment” awaits them and those who side with them regarding their sexual orientation and their right to marry. Some of the fear-mongering stories of the day due to giving gays equal right to marriage are: "The devil is dancing the victory dance to gay marriage and the defeat dance to the people who side with them." "The Gospel is under attack and doomed to failure if we Christians don’t act." "God's wrath and judgment is coming to nations that give gays the equal right to marry." "Hell is enlarging her gates to accept the “so called” Christians who are in agreement with this hellish decision." These stories are fear-mongering delusions of the worried religionists in order to frighten people and keep them under control of whatever denominated flag they fly…but are they real stories? Mme...I wonder why God didn't judge the countries including Canada and the USA for giving them that right? Do the religionists really believe that the gay issue will cause the failure of the Gospel? Is Satan really more powerful than God? Well...they do believe that sin and Satan wins over God, in that Satan will have the vast majority of God’s loved created creation in the torture chamber of hell with him for eternity while God has the religious few? How pathetic! Does giving the gay community equality with the heterosexual community regarding marriage prevent religious denominations from living, preaching, and practicing religious convictions about marriage? No more than they preach about other sins they deem to be sin! Will this decision weaken the Christian's hatred for “hell bound gays” or ‘sinning sinners’ in general, from going to eternal damnation and punishment (as viewed by the religionists). Sad to say...I think not! Does gays have an agenda to desecrate heterosexual marriage as believed by the religionists…or…are they just seeking equality of a civic right shared by the heterosexuals in Community of Humanity? Is this really a story of defeat for heterosexual marriage, or is it simply a story of equality, dignity and humanity for all? Could the "Christian" reaction be nothing more than the historical favored religious people being reminded that all people are EQUAL in God's eyes and are equally LOVED by Him? People...religious or not...can not legislate morality, as is evident in the religious world by the immoral acts that plague it, but people can legislate equality, and equality should be no one’s theology, nor should theology trump the inherent value of all people who reside on this earth (not even the passionate devout religious theological people). People being treated with equality should be welcome news for all ALL people, regardless of religion or creed or lack of it. As a follower of Jesus, I feel discust at seeing so many people who claim to be followers of Christ, who, when witnessing the exuberance and joy from gays and lesbians and those who support them in this issue; could only manufacture more hatred, more loaded rhetoric, more of the sky-is-falling, more gnashing of teeth, spiteful insults and more searing hell-fire damnation. I wonder, is that the response of Jesus or godly? Is not such action and reaction a terrible witness of the Gospel of God's grace and love? Are Christians who react that way so invested in their self-preserving, fear-agenda story to see what was actually happening with this equality thing. By choosing a punishment in the hell fire narrative and the decry of, seemingly Christianity’s loss, is fear-mongering at its best (worse)? People everywhere, regardless of religious beliefs, race, color, gender, sexual orientation, or any other distinctions we can name, need to know that we all matter equally in the eyes of the God, because if ever we find ourselves in the minority we will be the marginalized, treated as being invisible or abused, would we want to be treated as the gays and lesbians were treated by the "religious people"? Take marriage is not a defeat of the Gospel, the destruction of marriage or the moral decay of a nation, but of equality’s glorious recognition in the intrinsic value of all people in the Community of Humanity. Therefore the Christian's infuriating actions are uncalled for. Whether we are a sinning-sinner or a sinning-saint, should this not be a story of equality we write together from here on. Just think...not to long ago some religionists were against equality for slaves within the Community of Humanity as much as some are against equality for gays and lesbians within the Community of Humanity today. Remember the chorus: Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world red and yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world. Does God stop loving them when these little children grow up and they find out they are like gender attracted? Remember...GOD LOVES PEOPLE...ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! GAY AND STRAIGHT...FAT AND THIN...SINNING SAINTS AND SINNERS WHO SIN. ALL ARE EQUAL IN GOD'S EYE...WHO ARE YOU TO SAY GOD PASSES THEM BY. LOVE ALL PEOPLE AS THEY ARE LOVED BY GOD...REPEL THE HATRED OF THE RELIGIOUS MOB.


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