It Matters Not How Good We Think We Are...We Still Sin!

Many people within christendom today are ignorant of the gospel of Jesus Christ and ironically are afraid of it because the news of the gospel of Jesus is too good! The majority of us use the bible as a divine law book whose rules are to guard entrance into the kingdom rather than being God's witness that points to His restoration of all things and the redemption of mankind through His Son, Jesus our redeemer.

Most of us believers think that God gave us the bible as a divine formula to show mankind the do's and don'ts to obey in order to gain and maintain a relationship with God by creating a new religion called "Christianity".

Nothing could be further from the truth! Jesus' finished work on the cross and His Gospel of Grace is an affront to religion, in fact, if the gospel is rightly understood it spells the end of religion, the end of all systems that require works as a means of our becoming acceptable to God. In reality, the gospel tells us that God Himself has already, through the finished work of his Son, made us acceptable through Jesus the Truth, the Way and the Life. The gospel is good news; religion is bad news. The gospel wins. Love wins. Christ is victorious. Sin is defeated. The devil is defeated. We humans do not have to defeat and overcome sin by our striving to obey laws and rules...SIN IS DEFEATED, Jesus defeated it, sin has no hold on us, no control over us if our lives are hid in Jesus and He live in us and we He lives His life through us.

Our overcoming power is only in Christ, not in our overcoming sin. If we think that in our humanity we do not sin because we have been redeemed we are the DELUDED among the deluded. We will sin as long as we are living in the flesh, there is not one human, no mater how spiritually mature he may be or what spiritual level you may elevate Him to that does not sin, we all will sin till the day we die. What ever we may overcome is like removing a drop of water from the ocean. Unless we are found in Christ we are dead in our sin. We can only be found in Christ by trusting Him to be for us who He says He is and do for us what He says He does. It is only in our trusting Him will we accept His gift of mercy, grace and life and only when we wake to our sinfulness...yes, even as believers, will we trust Him.

As long as we think that as believers we are "doing OK", we can pull ourselves up by our own boot strings, we are "making progress" as a believer, or the other side of the coin, thinking that we will never be good enough...we will not trust Him. Such thinking is trusting not Him, but ourselves. It is thinking that His acceptance of us is based on how well we behave and perform. It is thinking that if we do better, then God will accept us, or conversely, that He accepts us because we have been overcoming sin.

God accepts us because He wants to accept us, and not because we measure up to any religious law or rule. God dealt with our sin through the blood of Christ, not by giving us a new and improved law code or the bible as a rule book to follow for His acceptance of us. We are justified because God justified us Himself, personally, through His Son. God did for us in Christ what we could not do for ourselves, and He calls on us to trust Him to be our righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30).

Climbing up a spiritual ladder by overcoming sin, that is viewed as being a "good Christian" by the religious world is a delusional delusion that blinds us to the reality of the gospel and the finished work of Christ on the cross. It truly is a "FINISHED" work. 

That means we do not gain or have righteousness in and of ourselves. It is not just a matter that we "have got some problems." It is not just a matter that we have "a few things to overcome." It is not even a matter of "putting sin out of our lives." It is a matter of understanding that we are sinners who will sin until death or until we are fully like Him, and that even our "good" deeds are thoroughly laced with selfishness. Until we see that, until we see ourselves for what we really are, we will not trust Him Who alone saves sinners...The Good News of the GOSPEL of GRACE!


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