Religiously Processed People

Religiously processed people are just as dangerous to God's Community of the Redeemed and the Community of foods and processed drugs are to the health and well-being of humanity!

Anyone who claims to be a follower of Christ but pursues...their own or denominated and the control of people by being the spiritual channel from God to the people for their spiritual understanding...building themselves up at the expense of demeaning others...denominational at the expense of loving people...the bible as the Living Word at he expense of Christ, the Living interpretation of the bible as being right...religion more than relationship...I refer to as religiously processed people? They have an excessive interest in ones self, are characterized by extreme selfishness with a superior spiritual view of ones own abilities and a craving for recognition and admiration because of their spiritual position, authority or bible knowledge. I believe the religiously processed are a danger to saint and sinner alike!

Matthew 23 is one of a most  enlightening passages of Scripture in the Bible which many enlightened religionists are blinded to. One writer said of Matthew 23: “Jesus’ words in this passage fly from His lips like claps of thunder and spears of lightning. Out of His mouth on this occasion [come] the most fearful and dreadful statements that Jesus [ever] uttered on earth.” In this text, Jesus addresses the scribes and the Pharisees, and He calls them hypocrites, sons of hell, blind guides, fools, robbers, self-indulgent, whitewashed tombs, snakes, vipers, persecutors, and murderers." These admonitions were not made to the the religionists of His day!

These scribes and Pharisees were not considered sinners, they were the most highly regarded religious leaders of their day. They were well-respected and loved their status and self-respectiveness. They were devout and very sincere. They believed what they were doing was right, good and godly. And so did the the people they were positioned over.

I am convinced that the religiously processed of today are patterned after the same system that Jesus refuted  and warned the scribes and Pharisees about. The truth that the religiously processed people needs to accept is that it is possible to genuinely believe that we are doing God’s work, obeying God’s Word, and accomplishing God’s will, yet to be in deception and in opposition to the work of God in the Community of Humanity. That’s what I think this passage is all about. It’s about people who genuinely believed that they were doing God’s work, obeying God’s Word, and accomplishing God’s will, yet they were deceived and they experienced the most severe severe pronouncements by Christ. Yes, Jesus said it to people who believed that what they were doing the work of God and were bringing honor to God.


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