Grace and Grace Alone


“May grace and peace be yours in fullest measure” "according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood: May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure." (1 Peter 1:2)!

I wonder why so many people who claim to to experience God's Grace are content to murk around in the shallowness at the shore of the Ocean of God's Grace without ever launching out where there is the FULLEST of measure to experience.

Ought we not to rest in the abundance of God’s wonderful grace and the total sufficiency of all His spiritual resources in the greater grace (James 4:6)  of the all-sufficient, inexhaustible and boundless all-sufficient Grace that our loving God has provided for His created people?

For it is Grace that saves us, maintains us, sustains us, endures us, teaches us, empowers us, sanctifies us, justifies us, victory-fie us, and enables us to be effective as His Community of the redeemed in the community of Humanity. We are living in a environment of His ALL-SUFFICIENT-GRACE, this Grace is unlimited-less and more than sufficient for every need.

"Grace Haters"...Grace Plus-ers"..."Grace Butters"..."Grace Confusers"..."Grace Reducers" do not trust God to be able to accomplish His work by the finished work of Christ on the cross without Grace plus their efforts. They are under the illusion that if they do not do something to help God His plan for the Community of Humanity will not be accomplished. It as thought they are more capable than God!

Grace haters go ahead...voice your nasty opposition against God's Amazing Grace:

Call into question people's salvation because they do not believe the way you believe. 

Express your animosity by quoting out-of-context Bible verses to validate you interpretation of the Bible and to shoot down any interpretation that is different than yours. 

Teach that God's Grace is lacking and needs man's doing to accomplish God's plan for the Community of Humanity. 

Discredit God's compassion, mercy, and love by by your ..."butting"...and condemning people to eternal suffering in the torture chamber of hell. 

Discredit the character of our Loving Father God that Jesus His express image reveals to us. 

People’s intolerant, belligerent endeavors due to a literal and legalistic interpretation of the Bible and a misunderstanding of God's grace, love and justice will never diminish His Amazing Grace or the Love that Father God has for His children...even towards Grace Haters.


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