Is Christianity and Judaism Ordained by God?

 Not to upset anyone or for anyone to breakout in a heated argument over this or any other of my posts...if your only reason for responding is to argue, judge and condemn then it is better to refrain from explaining your argument...but, the right religion is not the one you, I, or anyone  else has chosen to associate and member with...this includes  the Christian Religions in all its denominational forms.

Judaism and Christianity which includes Catholicism and Protestantism  with its myriad of denominations claim to worship the true God. Although  Judaism teaches people to worship the true God, it is not a religion  ordained by God. The Jews did receive their original revelations from  God through Abraham and Moses, but they formed a religion around the  five books of law and developed many man-made traditions rules and regulations. By the time  God Himself came as Jesus, they were already so far astray from God that  they did not recognize Him. They used their religion based on the law  to persecute Jesus and eventually kill Him.

Christianity  is  not a religion designed or established by God. Though the Christian  religion carries the name of Jesus, has the Bible as its guide and  talks about the death of Christ for man's sin...Jesus did not come to  start a religion called Christianity, therefore it is man-ordained, man-maintained for man's gain and is of little value to the Community of the Redeemed or the Community of  Humanity as a whole when I comes to being in relationship with the Divine.

From  scripture record, Jesus was not religious oriented, nor did He belong  to any religious denomination. He came as the express image of God His  Father to reveal the grace, mercy and love of His Father to the  Community of Humanity by living His life in and through the Community of  the Redeemed in their daily living, He did not come to start a new  religion called Christianity where people are bound to religious creeds,  rules, bylaws and constitutions invented by man.

If we understand Christian to mean being a believer in and a follower of Christ, then  there is nothing wrong with using that word to describe our relationship  with Him. 

But,  to use the term Christian because I belong  to a particular religious  denominational name-tagged segregated group, follow a particular belief  system of man-made doctrines, or obey man-made rules as a measuring  stick to determine one’s relationship with God in order to be held in  good standing with the particular denomination of choice, then using the word takes away from being a follower of Christ. 

Jesus is grossly misunderstood by Christians who believe Jesus Christ is the founder of their religion called Christianity.

Jesus did not come to start a religion called “Christianity”.

Jesus did not come to build segregated name-tagged denominated buildings called “the House of God”.

Jesus did not come to cause religious disunity because of man-made belief systems.

Jesus did not come to create denominated seminaries to train people for full time ministry.

Jesus did not come to form religious hierarchies to rule over denominated movements.

Jesus did not come to create religious organizations in order to coral people in denominational stalls.

Jesus did not come to control people by manipulation and deception.

Jesus did not come to be a religious icon.

Jesus did not come to be a part of religious tradition.

Jesus did not come to join a religious denomination.

Jesus was not a religious leader.

Jesus never sanctioned religious organizations.

Jesus did not segregate from sinners. He associated with them.

Jesus did not hate sinners. He loved them.

Jesus never drew people to Himself by fear-monger preaching or condemning sinners to hell.

Jesus did not come to condemn the people of the world, He came to save the people of the world.

Yet  the religion of “Christianity” whose adherents claim to follow such things and more besides. Religion has reduced Jesus, the Son of the Living God to a mere religious leader and made Him iconic in the religious world by presenting Him as the founder of one of the  biggest religions in the world.

This is sacrilege, a lie that has made God, Jesus and the Gospel to be the misunderstood among religious people and the people they deem to be sinners, that has hindered the cause of Christ in the Community of the  Redeemed regarding the salvation of people in the Community of  Humanity.

Jesus  laid down His life for give His life to He could live His life through people as His Community of the Redeemed unencumbered by religious rules and expectations of religion.

Isn't is time to "shake of those heavy bands" of relegion and rise in the freedom of Christ?


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