Things I Learned

This is my 71st year on my earthly journey, I would like to share some things I have learned I sincerely wish I learned these things a lot sooner  than I did.

I could have been a better son, husband, father and grandfather.

Family is a man's most important responsibility.

All people are created in the image of God.

People are far more important to God than doctrine. In fact, people are the most important thing God.

There is only one race in God, s eyes, the human race.

God loves all people.

Jesus is the Savior of All people.

God is GOOD ALL THE Time.

God was with Christ on the cross reconciling the people of the world unto Himself.

God does not keep a record of your sin.

God does not hate you.

God is Love.

God Loves you as you are.

God does not send sickness, natural disasters on people to get their attention.

God is not a terrorist and will not asign you  table in the religious torture chamber of hell to suffer for eternity.

The religious hell is a myth that is not taught in the Bible.

The Bible is not the living word of God, Jesus is.

The Bible is not error less or perfect.

Parents have no right to beat children.

It is wrong to be cruel to people.

It is wrong to judge people.

It is wrong to condemn people.

It is wrong to marginalize people.

Religion is man-made.

Racism is evil and very much alive in the religious world.

It's OK to be who you are and stop trying to be who other people want you to be.

The bible is not a guide book for living.

There's no relation between blessings and being good OR cursings and being bad.

It is arrogant to believe you KNOW God and others do not.

It is not your job to convince or convert anyone to your beliefs.

Politics or Religion should never separate friends.

Preachers are not more spiritual than lay people.

Forgiving someone is easier than maintaining a grudge.

Humanity is ONE FAMILY.

Everyone is beautiful.

The Earth is a gift that should be protected and respected.

It is easier to experience more of God sitting by the ocean than in MOST churches.

Having a smoke or a beer is not an automatic to hell.

Having a grateful heart means more than saying blessings.

Everyone has something to say and being a good listener is a gift.

I am righteous, powerful, amazing, gifted and accepted  by God at all times.

No matter how far away you walk from the path  of your destiny you are always one step away from getting back on track.

Accept who you are, love yourself.

Real friends are forever, no matter what and few people have more than a handful in their lifetime.

God is everywhere present, and it is impossible to go where God is not.

It is good to smile, chuckle and laugh as much as possible.

The innocence and beauty of children is the most amazing thing on the earth.

The "end of the world" is NOT near.

We are our "brother's keeper" and we were born to take care of each other.

Love wins!


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