
 Denominationalism is a religious man-made tradition that is anti-God, antiChrist and anti-Gospel.

Segregating the Body of Christ into denominated pens called churches, signing membership forms in order to be considered a member in good standing, agreeing to abide by codes of conduct and bylaws are man-made and has NO basis in scripture. There are thousands of different denominations all with different conflicting doctrines, beliefs, and teachings. They all wear different name tags, have their human founder with their own earthly headquarters, and their own doctrines. This is a total abandonment from the principles Christ desires for His Church and His prayer for spiritual unity.

Denomination segregationists are responsible for the segregation of people who assemble in denominated buildings because of different denominated beliefs, all of whom claim that their particular belief system is bible based. Denominations are not supported by scripture, the early church, Christ or the apostles nor are they the Church that Jesus said He would build even though they may have  members of Community of the Redeemed within their denominated membership.

Denominationalism when obsessed with self-preservation and self-growth, is a barrier that dangerously limits greater streams of spiritual revelation to flow from God to members of Christ body that are trapped in religious deception. Elitism, legalism, judgmental attitudes, denominational stance, and man-made rules and regulations are the order of the day within the man-made institution.

Constructed of human ideologies and doctrines, denominationalism is a man-made structure that obscures the Gospel of Jesus Christ...that was revealed to Paul by Christ Himself...from the Community of the Redeemed to share with the Community of Humanity. For the life of Christ is shaded by religious spectacles decreasing the Community of Humanities ability from experiencing the Christ life living through His redeemed who are imprisoned by religious fables. 

Denominationalism stinks with human tradition and self-righteousness. Tradition is an established pattern of thought or behavior handed down by word or example from one generation to another. The Pharisees once asked Jesus, "Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat" (Matt. 15:2). If the tradition we hold to is not because of misinterpreted scripture the redeemed of The Lord has no right to hold onto it!

Jesus revealed their hypocrisy, and He accused them of "making the word of God of no effect through [their] tradition" (see Mark 7:6-13).

Unfortunately, much of Scripture has been "interpreted" for us by carnal speculations based on pre-cross scriptures handed down from one generation to another. Such traditional spiritual misconceptions hinder the Holy Spirit from revealing the truth of Jesus and His Gospel to humanity. The church today needs return to the Word of God (Jesus) and interpret scripture through the lens of Jesus and allow the Spirit of Truth to teach us the oracles of God.

The apostle Paul declared he was "exceedingly zealous for the traditions" of his fathers "UNTIL" (until what)..."it pleased God to reveal His Son" (Gal. 1:14-16). If we are holding on to the traditions of man, is it possible that Jesus "The Son" is not revealed in us enough to illuminate the clarity we need to understand religious deception nor Gospel of Christ? 

People who promise to keep you from deception by establishing a set of rules for you to obey and live up to while slinging a string of Bible verses at you that they have no idea as to its history or context to prove their denominated doctrines are among the most deceiving people out there. Their deception is accepted by them as truth, therefore the deception they teach as truth leads other people into accepting the deception as truth therefore, they are deceivers. 

Like Paul, we need deliverance from devotion to deceptive religious denominational tradition and customs by allowing the Spirit to reveal Christ in us so we will be set free from religious deception.

From denominational tradition spawns a man-made doctrine that is not of God. the doctrine of the Nicolaitans (Rev. 2:6). That is the doctrine of the separation between clergy and laity. God does not want a church hierarchy. His plan and purpose is not to establish a church hierarchy; that is a perversion.

There is no place in Scripture where we can find such a thing as a "senior pastor". The Apostle Paul, wherever he went, established churches and ordained elders (plural) in each city. There is no such thing in Scripture as the systematized churches we see today. That is why there is no reality in the church life. That is why they are not worshiping God in Spirit and in reality, because there is no reality in that form. The ministry gifts that Ephesians talks about is not a hierarchy. An apostle goes into an area and establishes and lays the foundation of the church life. He raises up elders and then the apostle moves on.

We have not understood in these days that the Aaronic priesthood has ended. You do not need a man today to counsel you and tell you what to do. The Melchizedek priesthood is God coming to you bringing the bread of His Word and the wine of His enjoyment.

There is a big difference between you having a desire for God and a call on your life, and you going out to perform that with the carnal understanding and mentality. That is why we have this big, ungodly, horrible whore of Christendom passing herself off as the bride of Christ. She is divisive and backbiting. You get some of the Christians of the same church group together and they will bite and devour one another, they will expose one another, all thinking they are doing God a service. They have no concept of the Father-heart of God.

What God is doing today is bigger than any denomination. God has so many hungry people today that we can travel the length and breath of this country and have a meeting every night in a different home. Some say that because we don’t meet regularly in a church building we are forsaking the assembling of ourselves together. Preachers use that Scripture to keep people in their churches. You don’t have to meet in a building with a preacher and a choir. The Word simply says to not forsake the assembling of yourselves together. You need me and I need you, and we need to gather together and fellowship.

Is God's house the steeple-ed, denominated segregated building people meet in for two hours on a Sunday to "worship" and hear from God?

In the Old Testament the Jewish people worshiped God at the temple in Jerusalem. The temple was a holy place and God did refer to it as His "house” (1 Chronicles 28:6). It was here that God dwelled "WITH" His people and made His presence known to the people of the Jewish religion.  “My Father’s house” (John 2:16), and because it was God’s house Jesus considered everything in it to be holy (Matthew 23:19-22). For  with a whip while proclaiming, “It is written, ‘My house will be a house of prayer’; but you have made it a ‘den of robbers’” (Luke 19:46).

One thing I believe most religionists fail to realize is that the birth of Jesus is not the dividing line between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, the dividing line is the death and resurrection of Jesus. Therefore, Jesus was born under the Old Covenant, grew up under the Old Covenant and ministered under the Old Covenant, and He sometimes ministered Old Covenant theology while also ministering the upcoming Grace message that He would institute.

There is no doubt that Jesus was zealous for God’s house, the temple. He taught there when He was 12 years old with more spiritual and understanding than the learned Pharisees of His day. He attended the Sabbath temple gatherings as was His custom because He was born and raised under the Old Covenant temple system.

The fact that Jesus respected the Old Covenant temple system is what makes His other statements about the temple so shocking to the religionist of His day.

Listen to what He said about Himself, “I tell you that one greater than the temple is here” (Matthew 12:6). On the one hand Jesus exalted the temple as the holy dwelling place of God. On the other hand Jesus claimed that He was superior to the temple.  The people asked Him, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?” Jesus’ response was prophetic: “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” His Jewish audience thought He had lost His marbles, and they mocked him accordingly. “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” What they did not understand was that Jesus was not speaking about the temple built with hands. He was speaking of His own body.  This is why Jesus was able simultaneously to esteem the temple and claim to be greater than the temple. Because Jesus was and is the True Temple. The stone temple, in all of its glory, was a mere shadow of the far greater reality found only in Jesus (Colossians 2:17). While God temporarily dwelled in the temple made with hands God eternally dwells in Jesus, the True Temple. While God was once accessible only to those who could come to the stone temple in Jerusalem God is now accessible to any and all who come to Jesus, the True Temple.

Such is the GRACE of God...that...Mr. Grace-Butter should cause you to take off you grace-butting shoes and set you feet a-dancing the GRACE DANCE!

Religious denominations esteem the the denominated-name-tagged-building people meet in for their Sunday spiritual fix as “God’s house.” Because this facility is considered to be God’s house it is the place people come to hear from God through the denominated seminarian trained spokesman for God and where people speak "Christianese", and act differently than they would in any other public place. To teach that any denominated name tagged building is the Temple of God is is deceiving, no temple built by man is God's dwelling place.

Because Jesus is the True Temple those who are in Christ...those who are united in Him...are God's temple.

Peter says this about the Church (meaning the people of God and not a building), “As you come to him, the living Stone -- rejected by human beings but chosen by God and precious to him -- you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house...” (1 Peter 2:4-5). Also speaking of the Church Paul explains, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple” (1Corinthians 3:16-17). Because Jesus is the True and Perfect Temple the Church has also become a temple where God dwells through his Holy Spirit and where God is worshiped and made known to the world.

Thus, it is inappropriate to refer to any building as “God’s house.” While it is true that all things belong to God it is not true that God reserves his presence for particular buildings, with particular architectural qualities and a  number of pews. Jesus is God’s house. And because of our unity with Jesus the Community of the Redeemed is God’s house it is “people”, not a denominated building. 

We do not have to go to a certain building to worship God. We do not have have to be in a certain place to experience God’s presence. We are now able to worship God and experience His presence anywhere and everywhere simply as the Community of the Redeemed in our daily living. This is exactly the way Jesus promised it would be when He taught the woman at the well about true worship. “...believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem...Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth” (John 4:21, 23-24). 

God no longer dwells in temples made with hands.


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