What is Your Concept of God?

Has the Christian Religion taught us the wrong concept of God? We have been taught that God is "out there somewhere beyond the blue" in another realm called heaven building physical mansions to house us in...If we have accepted Jesus by grace and do our best to keep the religious rules and to live a holy life, God will bless us and we will go to live in the heavenly mansions and walk on golden streets when we kick the bucket. I have been around religion for 50 of my 65 years...I wonder why little to nothing has been taught on how to live by the Spirit of God within us and Him doing His work through us to affect the Community of Humanity for His good. After all aren't we...the people...the dwelling place of God? We have been taught that God is the adult Santa Clause in the sky that we call on to do our bidding at our beckoned will. This has given us a false concept of God. This has caused us to seek everything from God as though He were entirely external from us. W...