Is Christianity Secure?
The church we belong to may be one our parents attended, or one in which we were born again, or one to which we were attracted because of its charismatic preacher, its doctrine or perhaps its singing. Whatever the reason, we eventually hold the beliefs of the group we have joined. If we attend a Bible school or seminary our beliefs and concepts are formed according to that particular school of thought. Soon we find ourselves unable to agree with millions of other Christians simply because their "indoctrination" has been different from ours. Although all believers have been transferred from out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's Dear Son, we remain divided into thousands of denominations and disagreeing groups. This is the consequence of our beliefs, concepts and traditions, and we need to hold them lightly and be prepared to discard them if we wish to move on with God. Our environmental background, be it the norms of our society, the teaching of others, ...