Has the meaning of the word “Christian” changed?
In Acts 11:25 we are told that the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch. We are not told whether the term carried negative or positive connotations. If it was used negatively then it may have meant something similar to being called a “Jesus Freak” today. If it was used positively then it meant that they were “Christlike” in character and action. But, what does the word mean today? I would suggest that it depends on your culture and religious beliefs as to how you interpret its meaning. To some it means those who are the scum of the earth, to others it means anybody who is not Muslim, Buddhist or Islam etc. To some it means those who attend some church on a regular basis. To some it means that one time they repeated what is known as the sinner's prayer regardless of their lifestyle now. Depending on where they live or what their religious experience is, it means different things to different people. In spite of what we think any particular word should mean, it actually...