
Showing posts from November, 2020

Salvation Condition

  This is how one responder responded to posts of mine to give credence to his belief that Christ needs man's help to bring him salvation. Responder Quotes "The Bible says that Jesus took the sins of the whole world on him. So many grace people jump to conclusion that the whole world will be saved..." "They neglect man`s part in salvation. Man is responsible for either accepting or rejecting salvation." "The early church preached the need to repent and turn from their evil ways, not this trash." How would Charles Spurgeon respond to this kind of believing?. "You must not expect that you will be perfect in 'repentance' before you are saved. No Christian can be perfect. 'Repentance' is a grace. Some people preach it as a condition of salvation. Condition of nonsense! There are no conditions of salvation. God gives the salvation himself...” Charles Spurgeon The gaining of salvation is by Grace and the maintaining of salvation is by Gr...


  Churchianity offers God as the “CAPTAIN”, Jesus as the “ANCHOR” and the Holy Spirit as the “EMPOWER-ER”, the problem is, according to religion, denominational belief is the water the Captain has to sail in to the salvation port of DOCTRINAL BONDAGE.  On the other hand, a relational relationship with God means that: The CAPATIN is also our FATHER.  The Anchor is also our BROTHER. The Holy Spirit” is also our TEACHER. But the waters we sail in is not the disturbing waters of denoinational  slush...It is the ocean of God’s LOVE and GRACE.  Why not change ships so you can sail in the waters of God’s LOVE and GRACE to the port of FREEDOM IN CHRIST!


If people are bombarded with fear-mongering, religious or political, through Biblical misinterpretation, misrepresentation and miss-presentation, over time they will believe the false messages are truth.   To the point that no amount of the clear teachings of Jesus Christ they are shown, to the contrary, will rescue their mind from its deception.


  Many use the below passage upon which to base their brimstoned belief that all those who displease God suffer ECT (Eternal Conscious Torture) in the fiery flames of the Lord’s wrath.  This poor view of God is upgraded with one simple insight— God’s punishments are remedial and NOT retributive: He seeks to ultimately cure us, not eternally torture us.    Here is the passage on which many infernalists stand (or stumble): “And these will go away into ETERNAL PUNISHMENT, but the righteous into ETERNAL LIFE." - Matthew 25:46 “Aionios” is the same Greek word translated above as the word “eternal” used in both phrases (“eternal life” and “eternal punishment”), but the contextual referent of each phrase is different. Aionios, by itself, can either mean “eternal” or “for a seasonal and unknown age,” depending of course on what is the attending referent. “Eternal life” (Greek “zoe aionios”) is “eternal life without end” because it is REFERRING to the postmortem reward of re...

God-Centered or Man-Centered

Believers are created to be God focused by being centered in God and not man-cenered. When believers have the wrong focus, they are off center and their "gospel" will be wrong also. Which gospel do you believe and propagate? The man-centered false gospel or the God-Centered true gospel? It is an affront to God to say we have the right doctrine, practice a pattern of programmed-event-drive-meetings, know the bible, know about God, yet we continue to live for ourselves orthe religious system!  Many "christians" claim they are not living in sin, meaning...they do not cheat on their wife, they do not keep company with "sinners", they are not shacking up with a member of the opposite sex living as if they were married, they do not curse or swear, etc.. Yet they live for themselves and to please the religious organization they have chosen. They are convinced that they are favored by God and believe they are superior to other religious groups because they...

Religious Living or Grace Living?

Religious living people put their trust in the written word ('the letter') above the Living Word (Jesus) and end up having the righteousness of the law (self-righteousness). Grace living people however, place their trust in the Living Word, view the written word through the Living Word, allow the Living Word to manifested Himself in and through them, and thus end up having the righteousness of God that exhibits the grace and love of God. Religious living people justify their actions by quoting the words or actions of someone they deem as a man of God, believing what speaks to be the oracles of God. This action gives them spiritual approval by their spiritual idols that opens them up to deception. Grace living people however, never seek to justify themselves before men by complying with men's expectations. They are God's representative and their only ambition is to please The Lord.  Religious living people are more interested in men's opinions than in God...


  If as believers we have not garnered the attention of the world system that is spawned by selfishness, greed, power and control, chances are we are inconsequential to the system or we are working in agreement with it. When religion gets into bed with the world system, it becomes the nation’s whore!  It seems that politics and religion are scratching each others back while sleeping in the same bed and both will fall into the ditch because it is the blind leading the blind.

Sin...What Is It?

  Growing up in a religious denominational environment, I learned at an young age what sin was...or so I thought. What I accepted as sin was what I was told was sin by the denomination I was in. I found this denominational sin defining to be somewhat confusing in that different denomination's opinions as to what sin was varied. What some denominations said was sin was accepted by other denominations as not being sin.  The denomination I found my self in was the "no preparing food for the Sunday meal, that was a Saturday task so as to avoid working on the "Sabbath" because it was a sin to work on the Sabbath...yet, Sunday was not and never will be the Sabbath. Then there was the no going to the restaurant on riding of the playing going to the going our with "bad" girls, avoid the baccy chew and no running around with those who do. Yet other people who claimed to be...

Who or What Identifies You?

  To have an identity there must be relationship with someone or something. Without relationship there is no identity! Without identity we know not who we are therefore, people will establish relationship with practically anything to know who they are and be known by others. How do you determine your identity? By your appearance, by your dress code, by your profession, by your friends, by your social club participation, by your response reaction, by your class distinction, by your religion and by so many other ways. The problem is that when we let the above determine our identity, we succumb to the opinion of others to validate our identity. Look good...“Wow...your beautiful” or, “Your conceited” etc.. People’s opinions are a shaky way for us determine who we are. Professional Preachers provide a good example of this. Be a great orator, a good communicator, hold a master of divinity, hold a hierarchy position, and people will consider you a spiritual elite and roll out the...

Are you Tired

Are you tired of wallowing in the unholy mix-mash mixture of the law-grace gospel in the religiously segregated denominated penned corrals, feeding on a mix-mash of rotten devil-inspired man-made doctrines cooked up by the denominated seminarian trained professional chef, that provides religious nourishment, but little or no nourishment for spiritual growth?  Are you tired of religious tradition that is nothing more than a rendition of man-made religious performances and rituals that you are led to believe will gain or maintain approval and favor with God, when all it does is gain you favor with a religious organization and the religious hierarchy. Are you sick and tired of being fat on bible knowledge trying prove that religion has life by spewing out dead words that are dead because the Holy Spirit has not impregnated them with spiritual life and truth, due to the fact they are already impregnated with religious deception’s lies?  Is your mind so religiously deceived that yo...

The Gospel according to TV!

The gospel according to TV is presented by many to many as the gospel of Christ and the bible is abused in order to validate the selling, peddling, huckstering the gospel. This adulterated version of God’s word for improper profit and personal gain is not of God godly, rather it is of the devil devilish!  You will hear sermons on such subjects as, "Planting Seed", or "Seed-time and Harvest," or "Making a Financial Covenant with God," or "Becoming a Faith Partner," or "Tithing on the Gross," or "At What Age Should One Tithe?" or "Tithing Your Way to Financial Freedom," or best of all, "Will a Man ROB God?" and the list goes on. At various times during the show, you will be offered for personal profit: BOOKS, TAPES, PAMPHLETS, VIDEOS, STATUES, PINS, TRINKETS, MEMBERSHIP CARDS, PLAQUES, CANDLES, CERTIFICATES, COMMEMORATIVE COINS, BAGS OF SALT, VIALS OF OIL, DIRT FROM THE HOLY LAND, WATER FROM THE SEA OF GALILE...

Doctrine or Jesus?

What matters most to us as believers, “Doctrine” or “Jesus”? Some people are so hung up on the point of doctrine they have missed the person of Jesus! The thing about doctrine is that it can and does exist in isolation. Doctrine is isolated by the segregation of people into religious groups based on their believing the same doctrine. The name tags over the doors of buildings called churches is to let people know who are of “like faith” that the doctrines you believe is the doctrines we teach. If you agree with our doctrine this is the place for you. Come and segregate with us! Shucks...they even have you sign membership cards to ensure you agree with their brand of doctrine to join their group as a member. The reason we have so many divided denominational groups is because of the different doctrines that each group holds to as truth, thus they set up their own fortress to corral as many people they can persuade that their doctrine is the correct one and they call it church...join...

Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual maturity and success is not determined by riding the wave of some charismatic performance, judging and condemning people, or dancing to the tune of religious rhetoric.  Spiritual maturity and success is going from valley to valley, disappointment to disappointment, from heartache to heartache, from sickness to sickness, from pain to pain...WITHOUT LOSING FAITH IN GOD!  That does not mean that you always have a smile of gratitude on your lips to mask your problems, it does not mean that family or friends won't let you down, it does not mean that you will be understood as to how you feel and deal with the circumstance, it does not mean you will understand the how's and why's of what you are going does mean that you are assured that God is going through the storm with you.  Therefore, your faith and trust in God is not LOST

Sinning Saints…are they Guilty as Charged?

Have you ever wondered…How could God love someone like me? You may reason; I have failed so many times in this relational journey with God. Not only have I failed I have sinned the same sin for more times than I care remember. I am constantly badgered from over the pulpit, from fellow believers that I have to try harder, read my Bible more, get  involved   more, go to church more, pray more etc. etc.. The list of do’s and don’ts seem to be never ending. How can God really love me…I mean, I have had so many blessings, I own a dozen Bibles of which I am very knowledgeable in, I know what to do yet, It is impossible for me to keep doing it and my failures set me sailing on a guilt trip and results in me trying harder to do the doing so as not to fail and the port of guilt and condemnation is ever before me. Listen to the verse Romans 8:33, “Who will bring a charge against God’s elect?" God is the one who justifies; who is the one who condemns? Notice what this verse doesn’t say. ...