Denominationalism is a religious man-made tradition that is anti-God, antiChrist and anti-Gospel. Segregating the Body of Christ into denominated pens called churches, signing membership forms in order to be considered a member in good standing, agreeing to abide by codes of conduct and bylaws are man-made and has NO basis in scripture. There are thousands of different denominations all with different conflicting doctrines, beliefs, and teachings. They all wear different name tags, have their human founder with their own earthly headquarters, and their own doctrines. This is a total abandonment from the principles Christ desires for His Church and His prayer for spiritual unity. Denomination segregationists are responsible for the segregation of people who assemble in denominated buildings because of different denominated beliefs, all of whom claim that their particular belief system is bible based. Denominations are not supported by scripture, the early church, Christ or the ...