
Hell, is it a part of the Gospel?

The “Hell”  word in th eBible is a bad translation of the following:  Gehenna Hades Sheol Death “The bottomless pit” Tartarus  Aionios fire  Aionios punishment  The lake of fire  “Where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched” “Weeping and gnashing of teeth” Etc. All of these have contexts and original meanings which don’t mean “eternal torment in the afterlife.” Hell is unbiblical." ~J.M Wright "The word "Hell" is not in the Bible. "Gehenna" is. "Hell" is a mistranslation. "Gehenna" is the right translation. Either you're ignorant of this, or you've read it and yet choose to deliberately go with the mistranslation. Now you know. The concept of "hell", or eternal torment in the afterlife is literally and exactly nowhere in the Old Testament. "Gehenna" however is in the OT just a few times. It is a literal place, right outside of Jerusalem, where Israel practiced gross idolatry and later became call...

The Narrow Road.

Many people who say they are traveling the narrow-road through the narrow-gate believe it is a legit reason for them to be narrow-minded. They even say, "I am proud to be narrow-minded because Jesus was narrow-minded." Many narrow-minded people who think they have entered through the narrow-gate and are traveling the narrow-road leading to life, have entered through the wide-gate and are traveling the broad-road that leads to destruction! People think that because Jesus said that the narrow gate and the narrow road leads to life, that Jesus Himself was narrow-minded. Jesus said, "Narrow is the way that leads to life" (Matt. 7:14).  I used to think that meant that narrow is the way to go to heaven and few there be that find it. That is the traditional concept. However the narrow way that leads to life is referring to God’s grace life in the here-and-now, not in the great-beyond. Jesus said, "I am come that you might have life" (John 10:10). The life that He...

Is God as Religion Declares

 This is what one of my several Bibles looks like. Not only did I read it from cover to cover, I also studied it and interpreted it in light of what I was taught by the Christian Religion and the Christian Bible School I studied under, in order to validate what I believed. Shucks, I was even ordained as a “Pastor” to preach and teach people about God, and the man-made doctrines that I believed to be godly and biblical!  But, I had BbbUuuRrrNnnIiiNnnGgg (pun intended) questions about the doctrines of the Christian Religion when I compared what Some Bible writers, and/or Bible translators wrote, with the revelation of God’s ONLY express image of Himself (Jesus), that Religion had questionable answers to my BURNING questions. I then laid aside ALL I was taught to believe by religion’s interpretation and read the Bible through the lens of Jesus and His revelation of His loving Father using my God given reasoning and thinking ability without influence from religious tradition and a...


 Denominationalism is a religious man-made tradition that is anti-God, antiChrist and anti-Gospel. Segregating the Body of Christ into denominated pens called churches, signing membership forms in order to be considered a member in good standing, agreeing to abide by codes of conduct and bylaws are man-made and has NO basis in scripture. There are thousands of different denominations all with different conflicting doctrines, beliefs, and teachings. They all wear different name tags, have their human founder with their own earthly headquarters, and their own doctrines. This is a total abandonment from the principles Christ desires for His Church and His prayer for spiritual unity. Denomination segregationists are responsible for the segregation of people who assemble in denominated buildings because of different denominated beliefs, all of whom claim that their particular belief system is bible based. Denominations are not supported by scripture, the early church, Christ or the ...