Is God as Religion Declares

 This is what one of my several Bibles looks like. Not only did I read it from cover to cover, I also studied it and interpreted it in light of what I was taught by the Christian Religion and the Christian Bible School I studied under, in order to validate what I believed. Shucks, I was even ordained as a “Pastor” to preach and teach people about God, and the man-made doctrines that I believed to be godly and biblical!  But, I had BbbUuuRrrNnnIiiNnnGgg (pun intended) questions about the doctrines of the Christian Religion when I compared what Some Bible writers, and/or Bible translators wrote, with the revelation of God’s ONLY express image of Himself (Jesus), that Religion had questionable answers to my BURNING questions. I then laid aside ALL I was taught to believe by religion’s interpretation and read the Bible through the lens of Jesus and His revelation of His loving Father using my God given reasoning and thinking ability without influence from religious tradition and allowed the Bible to now FORMULATE what I believe. 

And do you know what I began to see regarding what I was taught? I saw religious people creating God in their own image. God as just a larger form of man's ego, only He's beyond accountability, meaning that the evil they attribute to Him, does not take away from His GOODNESS! Religion's God is simply a validator of man-made doctrines that defies the characteristics that make God, God! 

People have even attributed devilish traits to God…like jealousy, anger, revengeful, retributive, grudge holding, torturer, schizophrenic favouritism, control, and vindictiveness, etc.. You would think that the religious people who wrote the Bible would be at least wise enough to realize that if they made God with these devilish weak human characteristics, people might become suspiciously resistive about believing them and not believe in such a paganistic Deity.

I was raised in a religion that claimed "God is love"  and “God is Good” but, yet He acts like a monster in His dealings with people! They claim that God's love is unconditional, yet the Bible that the Bible-Literalist say is inspired by Him, has more contradictions than Religionl itself! 

It wasn't until I rejected Religion in all its forms that I learned what love without condition was. And to me that is the kind of love God is. Love without condition comes from God “Who is Love”. I have had to unlearn conditional Christian love and assimilate love without condition, without exclusion, without expectation, without judgement, without damnation, into my living. I have a son, a daughter, and a beautiful granddaughter, and when they were born they did not do one thing to make me love them, and from the time of their birth to their death they can do NOTHING that would make me love them any more, neither can they do anything that would make me love them any less, and I would NEVER EVER forsake them perchance they did not love me! 

People think it's blasphemous to suggest that a human could teach their version of God a few things about fathering. They fail to see that a God who is silent and absent in His children’s life or is a destructive fear-mongering devilish torturous monster is no father at all, let alone being Father God who is LOVE!. The God who assigns His children to a torture chamber of eternal suffering fuelling hell’s fire by rendering the fat ofHis beloved creation, whom He created for His GOOD PLEASURE, simply because they did not reciprocate love back to Him by becoming “Born Again” by repeating the bible-less “sinner’s prayer is a devilish monster, not a loving Heavenly Father.

Having two children and one grandchild completely changed my ideas about love and fatherhood. And I want to distance people as far as I can from the religious devilish characterized God of the Bible lest people become yet another victim of abusive, controlling and abusive religion.

Until preachers learn to teach the TRUTH about God, the cross-work of Christ and His Gospel, people will reject their monstrous God.

Religious people are just dead in the head about the truth of out LOVING FATHER GOD. They simply cannot see beyond themselves.

I don't fault people for this. I fault all the IGNORANT DEVILISH RELIGIONS that believe in and teach people such a weak and evil god.


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