be the Community of the Redeemed that will affect the Community of Humanity with the gospel of God’s love and grace, we MUST recognize and acknowledge the religious deception we are in. We MUST forget the irrelevant deceptive past and the stagnant deceptive present of religious institutions. We MUST kill man-made doctrines and we MUST turn from the man-controlling, man-manipulation and the cheap tricks of our man-made solutions.

Jesus Christ has given us Himself! He no longer dwells in “temples made with hands”, you cannot “go up to bring Him down or down to bring Him up.” His new embodiment rejected our religiously “improved,” religiously “adjusted,” and religiously “readapted” spirit. For He desires not to renew our spirit but, to put His Spirit within us, He desires not to rejuvenate our lives, He desires to give us a new life...His life.

We dare not go back to the way it was, nor settle for the way it is. We cannot continue to live in denial of our religious deceptions. We must not bribe the future with easy consumerism, futuristic fads, futuristic personal agendas and programs, and all the other gimmicks to try and gain members and suck money from people.

The people of the world need spiritual reality and spiritual direction but, it will not come from religious institutions with its possessive, obsessive, repressive and oppressive man-made doctrines of partial truths, narrow truths, shallow truths and distorted truths. It can only come from Jesus...Who is TRUTH.

We must liberate Christ from our Sunday-go-meetings and remove the mutual exclusivity and segregation of denominations in buildings called Churches. Then we must allow His reincarnation of Himself within us to work through us to fill the earth with His glory. The claim by the inerrantists that the Bible is an inerrant repository of Truth is an affront to Jesus because the Bible itself, by the record of Jesus Himself, declares that Himself is Truth...“I am the Truth”.

The Bible is not the totality of God’s dealing with mankind, rather it is a signpost that points to Jesus, whose dealings with man will continue as long as mankind is around. Jesus is not contained, restricted or imprisoned between the leather bound covers of a book known as the Bible. Jesus is much bigger than the Bible!

Without the Spirit of Truth the Bible is nothing more than letters written on paper...without any life in and of itself. We must lay aside the Bible as the final authority and move to Jesus and His Spirit as the final authority, for Jesus is the lens through which we interpret the scripture as the Spirit gives the words of scripture life’

This liberation means laying aside all our religious preconceived ideas and know how...end our relationship with religion and start all over in a relationship with Jesus Christ where He is the Head of His Community of the Redeemed and His Spirit is the teacher of His people.

How do we begin...with



  1. You say and I quote:
    We must lay aside the Bible as the final authority.

    That is exactly what the world religions and false cults inspired by our enemy the devil would like for us to do.

    True Christianity is the only anity that believes the Bible is the inspired infallible inerrant Word of God.

    False religions, false Christianity, and the cults believe it is just a good book o not the final authority.

    That way they can have their extra revelations. Whether it is the revelations of Joseph Smith, the prophet Mohamed , the Watch Tower or false revelations of modern day grace movement.

  2. Part 1

    Is it possible that it is Bibliidolaters such as yourself, that is deceived by the devil and responsible for the poor performance in turning this world upside down for Christ because you are teaching another gospel rather than the gospel of Christ? Or is your deception so great that you don't even know you could be deceived?

    Bibliidolaters worship the Bible as though it was perfect because it is the "written word of God." You "search the Scriptures, thinking that in them and tell people that in them they eternal life, yet the scriptures only testify of the Lord Jesus Christ." Bibliolaters take the Bible to be "the final authority." I understand. Jesus quoted authoritatively from the authoritative Scriptures. The Scriptures were, and are, foundational. However, Jesus is the Rock. He is the One Who wrote the Scriptures, and of Whom the Scriptures testify (John 5:39).

    No, the Bible is not the Final Authority. The Final Authority is Jesus. This is the truth of the Bible.
    Is the Bible a product of man...yes, can the Bible be seen...yes, then don'r put your trust in the things which are seen, but in God, Who is above all, and Who alone is to be trusted and worshipped. Bibliolaters condemn people for declaring that the Bible, in whatever translation, is not the "final authority" but rather that Jesus Himself is. They assume that because they heard of God and of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the Scriptures, and because no other book is the "written word of God," that therefore "the buck stops" with the Bible.

    It is God Who anoints them by His Spirit to speak and bear witness. It is God Who inspired the writers to record the Scriptures. It is God Who opens the understanding of man to believe and to receive the truth in Scripture.

    They do not acknowledge the fact that many study the Scriptures, the Torah, the Bible, zealously, yet are altogether ignorant of God, the One of Whom the Scriptures testify. They do not acknowledge that while countless millions possess a Bible, they live disinterested in, yea, contrary to, the teachings in it, as though God and His laws and will for mankind did not matter, or even exist. Without the Spirit, the Bible is a dead book. But, without the Bible, God is still alive. God was before the Bible and He will be around long after the Bible.

    1. Part 2

      No, the Bible is not the Final Authority. Truly, the Final Authority isJesus, and Jesus is the Final Authority. The Bible, while it is God's record of His dealings with, and in relation to, mankind, is not Jesus, as a friend of mine said it was. If it were, I could take Jesus and trample Him underfoot, or tear Him up and throw Him in the fire, and then where would we all be? Men have done so with the Bible, countless times, but God is not dead, as some have supposed. He still IS, and though the Bible were to be entirely erased from existence, God still IS, and always will BE.

      Men have worshipped the Bible as God, yet they are sill in their sins, otherwise they would not be in idolatry. They have superstitiously kept it as a holy object, dared not to write in it, set it in a special place in their homes, even on altars or in rooms of worship, and have suffered and perished in their sins nevertheless. Is the Bible worthy of worship? Is the Bible (the most original manuscripts, KJV translation, or otherwise) perfect? Is the Bible (the most original manuscripts, KJV translation, or otherwise) God? The answer to these questions is "No." Can the Bible (the original manuscripts) be imperfectly translated? The KJV worshippers declare, of all other translations, "Assuredly so!" but "No" of the KJV. They are right on the first, and sadly, gravely mistaken on the latter.

      If we trust the Bible, we trust ourselves to interpret the Bible.
      Can the Scriptures be twisted and wrested to the reader's own destruction? The Bible says so (2 Peter 3:16), and surely we have seen it. Can God be wrested? Does anyone care to try? Take one hundred persons, without the Spirit of God, and ask them to give the meaning to a verse in Scripture, and one can receive more than a hundred interpretations.

      It is God Who gives the interpretation, only He can, and only His interpretation is valid. Therefore, we trust God and not man's interpretation of the Bible.

      If we trust the Bible, truly, we are trusting ourselves and our own understanding and ability to interpret the Bible. If our trust is soley on Jesus we are safe, in the truth, founded upon the Rock, Who is Jesus Christ, God Almighty, and will interpret His Word as He intended.

      God alone is to be worshipped because He alone is perfect. If one says the KJV is perfect, then it follows that the KJV should be worshipped. If it is perfect, the KJV advocates are right, but if it is not perfect, they are in the grievous sin of idolatry. Is the KJV perfect? If so, the KJV is God, formed by translators under King James I. Therefore, men have made God in their image, purportedly with God's help. But is the KJV perfect? NO!

  3. I agree with you that Christ is the final authority. We have that same authority in Scriptures of what He spoke. He said the words that He spoke are Spirit and they are life. He is not going to give any new Revelations that will contradict what He has already said. So we can come pare any new revelations with what He has said in Scriptures and see if they come up short.


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