The Sin Blotter!

I, even I, am he that blotteth out your transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember your sins. Isaiah, 43:25
Who dealt with man's sin?...God!
When did God blot out man's sin?...The cross-work of Jesus!
For whose sake did God blot out our man's sin?...His own sake!
Why did God blot out man's sin?...the sin barrier would not be a factor in God dealing with man!
Does God call into remembrance man's sin?...Never!
God,through the finished work of Christ on the cross dealt with the sin issue once and for ALL...that includes the sin of ALL people, past, present and future.
That is the Good News Gospel people need to hear so they will turn from the ways of self-righteousness and the ways of the world to the path that Jesus has already made for them to follow.
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