
Showing posts from February, 2014


Denomination segregationists are responsible for the segregation of people who assemble in denominated buildings because of different denominated beliefs, all of whom claim that their particular belief system is bible based. Denominations are not supported by scripture, the early church, Christ or the apostles nor are they the Church that Jesus said He would build even though they may have  members of Community of the Redeemed within their denominated membership. Denominationalism when obsessed with self-preservation and self-growth, is a barrier that dangerously limits greater streams of spiritual revelation to flow from God to members of Christ body that are trapped in religious deception. Elitism, legalism, judgmental attitudes, denominational stance, and man-made rules and regulations are the order of the day within the man-made institution. Constructed of human ideologies and doctrines, denominationalism is a man-made structure that obscures the Gospel...


Is it possible that the noise of religious rhetoric has dulled the ears of the redeemed to where they do not hear the voice of the Lord? Is it possible that the constant bombarding of religious slanting of scripture as dulled the mind of the redeemed to where it cannot discern or understand pure spiritual truth? Is it possible that the religious propaganda used to Godfy their brand of religion is the cause of people condemning other groups as heretics and ruling out that God graces sinners with love and compassion?


Religion has...and is focused on DOING Church in some denominated building as a Sunday-event-driven-meeting. God is focused on our BEING the Church in the Community of Humanity, loving people on a daily basis in our living life. The Community of the Redeemed (The Church) is flesh and blood not religious organizations or segregated denominated name-tagged buildings with steeples and stained glass windows. Ministry is not presenting some denominational flavored man-made doctrine to the people of the world as religion does. Ministry is people who have turned to God...have sought God...know God...have a relationship with God and with each other as the Community of the Redeemed, through which the very life of Jesus Christ is lived and experienced by the Community of Humanity. Ministry is not about denominated building...segregated groups...religious systems...institutional organizations...charismatic chaos nor imitations of spiritually. Ministry is not ...

The Favourite Subject of Jesus.

IF YOU HAVE SEEN ME YOU HAVE SEEN OUR FATHER! Jesus' favorite subject was not doctrinal issues, religious issues, standing for "christian right" issues or denominational issues.  Jesus' favorite subject was His "Father" Every thing He did was because of His relationship with His Father. Righteous Father, also the world did not know you, but I know you, and people who have listened to me have know that you sent me, and I made known to them your name, (FATHER) and I will continue to make you known, so that the love with which you love me will take root in them so that I in them will show forth you as Father. (John 17:25-26) Jesus is in the business of making the Father known to people and what He has revealed is a far cry from how the religious fear mongers reveal Him has!  Jesus is the mirror image of God His Father...imaging God through the mirror of religion gives us the wrong image of God.

Looking through Religious Spectacles causes Blurred Vision Leading to a Misunderstanding of God.

Judging and condemning people impedes our understanding, blurs our vision of the Gospel and gives a false picture of who our Father God is. Loving and forgiving people increases our understanding of God so we can see more clearly what the Gospel of Jesus Christ to give the community of humanity a clearer picture of who God is. By judging and condemning people we fail to see our own wrongs and fail to understand the fullness of God’s Grace Gospel of Redemption for the community of Humanity. “For it is the goodness of God that leads to repentance”...not scaring the hell out of them! No writer or prophet of the Old Testament had a true revelation as to who and what God is really like. The fact is,  no one before Jesus revealed to us the character of God! Jesus was the express image of God and came to reveal Him to us. Therefore, any concept you have of who and what God is like that is not revealed through the lens of Jesus is subject to being wrong. Jesus said; "Father g...

The way we view God to be, reveals characteristics about ourselves.

The people who believe and teach that God is Judge, Juror, and Executioner reveal that they are motivated by fear and guilt and serve God in order to escape His anger and wrath. The people who believe that  God is the believer’s santa clause in the sky who dishes out miracles and prosperity to their every prayer demand or because people give of their money to a ministry or denomination are spiritually immature, spiritually ignorant and superstitious. If people believe that God is love...BUT...they are God BUTTING Gospel BUTTERS who are ignorant of the depth of the Love and Grace of our Loving God . If people believe that there is no God, they live and act as if they are their own god and sets their own course in life with death being the end of life. How we understand what God is like matters in that it affects how we live our lives and what it reveals to others about who we are. The prophets understanding of God in the pre-cross Testament are prophetic titbits of what they “thou...

Why Did God Institute the Law?

Was the law God’s standards for people to live by...or was it a mirror to show people they could not keep the law? Was the law instituted based on God’s character...or was it based on man’s character? Was the law instituted because it was God’s will...or did it come into being because of man’s will? Did the law come into being to keep people from sinning...or to show people that they were unable to keep from sinning? The law is performance based! Sin is performance based! Religion is performance based! God is not performance based! The Gospel is not performance based! Because sin is performance based, God instituted a performance based Law to protect mankind from themselves by giving them a standard to know when they were doing the wiles of the evil one. Galatians 3 describes the law as a guard to protect people from the wiles of Satan for a limited time...the time Jesus would come and destroy the works of the devil, free us from the law and sin in order to give us the very lif...

Have you ever wondered why God was not called our Father in the Old Testament?

Could it be that no writer or prophet of the Old Testament had a true revelation as to who and what God is really like. The fact is,  no one before Jesus revealed to us the character of God! Jesus was the express image of God and came to reveal Him to us. Therefore, any concept you have of who and what God is like that is not revealed through the lens of Jesus is subject to being wrong. Jesus said; "Father glorify your name." (John 12:28). What is the name of God that Jesus wants us to glorify...FATHER. God is known by other names but Father is the one He wants us to use in our relationship with Him. Religious people see God as Judge, Jury and Condemner...they need to see God as Jesus saw Him and revealed Him to us...a loving, caring, forgiving, compassionate and understanding FATHER!

What Mindedness are we Minding?

  Denominations are man-made and are segregationist minded, Sunday-programmed-meeting minded, self-centered minded and congregational minded. The Community of the Redeemed that Christ built is unification minded, Christ living through them daily minded, other people minded and community minded. Denominatioalism focuses inwardly on themselves. The Community of the Redeemed focuses outwardly on others. Unity is one of the core indications that we are members of the Community of the Redeemed. Being in Christ according to Paul includes ”standing firm in one spirit...not in your own religious spirit, and being with one mind, one faith with one gospel...not denominationally minded with many faiths with different denominational gospels. Paul speaks a word for all believers to ponder, “Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.” Philippians 2:2 Jesus prayed for this unity...Jesus desires unity and takes joy when b...

The Difference between Religion and The Community of the Redeemed.

A man asked the Lord why religious people and His Community of the Redeemed were so Different. "Come" said The Lord, "I will show you". They went to a vantage point where in view was a myriad of denominated buildings where he could see people seated and receiving denominated doctrines,  denominated interpretations of the bible, and a bunch of rules to follow and membership forms to sign to be a bona fide member of the denominated group of their choice. The eyes of his understanding were opened and he saw that the people were starving for genuine spiritual food. The appointed one man pipeline who supposedly had a direct line from God to spiritually feed the people was filled with man-made doctrinal sludge and spiritual hog-wash with very little real spiritual nourishment  getting through. He saw that the people were spiritually malnourished and spiritually unfulfilled as the facade of spiritual fulfillment was stripped away.   Then the Lord took him to anot...

Who is in a Fiery Burning Hell NOW?

The religious world's concept of hell's torturer chamber of everlasting fire and brimstone, the idea that the Devil is  living in hell as the chief superintendent ruling over demons and  forking out punishment to the thousands of people who die daily and go there has its roots more in religious myth than in biblical truth.  For example, when provoked by doctrines that go against their doctrinal stance, or religious rules, they contemptuously scorn those teachings as “doctrines from the pit of Hell”, or they may respond to wicked deeds as having been inspired by “demons from Hell”. Yet, the Bible clearly states that the Devil and his angels came to earth from heaven, not from Hell (Isa. 14:12; Rev. 12:7- 12). Has God been torturing the first sinner to die from the time of His death unto the eon's of eternity? If so, what sins would this person have done to warrant being punished longer than...let's say Hitler...that warrants longer tormenting...

God’s Call.

“I am called of God,” “I am called to ministry,” “I am called to reach the world" “I am called to be your pastor, your reverend, your priest,” “I am called to the healing ministry,” “I am called to the prophetic ministry," “I am called to Bible believe that all such callings are God given to favored people based on some human ability is a denial of the scripture that says “God is no respecter of persons.” God calls all people to the SAME purpose, God calls all people unto Himself, for Himself so they can be filled with Himself so that He Himself can work through people He calls. God working through people He calls is GOD’S MINISTRY to them, for them to minister to the community of humanity as the community of the redeemed! What are they to minister...God’s LOVE, COMPASSION, MERCY, and His Gospel of GRACE...for all ministry that is not built on God’s love is built on a crumbling foundation and will not withstand the storms of life. It is a sounding brass and a ti...
Over time some of my beliefs have either been discarded or changed significantly...for several being the realization that the denominated seminarian professional is ​not ​the pipe line God has chosen to channel spiritual truths or revelations that God desires to the "less spiritual" "pew-warmers" to know regarding ​spiritual matters, the right denomination, The Holy Spirit, Jesus nor God Himself. I have abandoned the idea that my relationship with God is determined by a list of man-invented beliefs that are not-negotiable. I believe my spirituality is more about my desire to live the Christ life by Him living His life through me on a daily basis, and I have found that is more about living as a loved child of God while loving people in the community of humanity and wooing them to the God who loves than segregated denominated Sunday-go-meetings. I started having doubts and questions about "religious list" of "do's and don'ts...

A Bloggers Take on "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" and "Hell".

HAPPY DADS AND THE HORRORS OF HELL by Jeff Turner Jonathan Edwards once said the following words: “Reprobate infants are vipers of vengeance, which Jehovah will hold over hell, in the tongs of his wrath, till they turn and spit venom in his face!” Elsewhere, Edwards asked the question: “Can the believing father in Heaven be happy with his unbelieving children in Hell?” Now, a bit of clarification: Edwards is not referring to God when he speaks of the “believing father in Heaven”. Rather, he is speaking an earthly father who enters Heaven, while His children are sentenced to an eternity in Hell. One would assume that Edwards’ answer to this question would be something akin to, “Nay! And a thousand times nay!”. Unfortunately, his answer was as follows: “…it [the sight of his children in Hell] will increase rather than diminish his bliss.” To be honest with you, I’m not sure if I’ve ever read more demonic, and putrid words in all of my life. I have a level of respec...

Portraying Abba Father.

Some religions keep their followers in a perpetual state of fear due to their fear-mongering that portrays our heavenly Father  as a revenging tyrant  dangling people  over the fires of hell  like a spider on a web and unless they turn...they will burn "FOREVER" if the fires of hell.  Does this terrorist spirituality really portray the Fatherly attributes of our loving God? Some religions are on the other end of the spiritual relationship spectrum where God is portrayed as the adults Santa Clause in the sky that attends to their every wish or demand and is a happy go lucky pushover pussy cat in that there is no aberrant behavior or sin that He will not condone. Does that "you can sin and live any way you want to, everything is all right" attitude portray the characteristic of a Holy God? Of the two I accept neither NEITHER view of ABBA FATHER.    I desire a relationship with the ABBA ...

Is the Bible the Sole Authority of the Different Denominations that they Claim it to be?

Preachers in every Christian religious denomination, no matter the name-tag divisional identification that is over the door claim to love and know the Bible and claim it to be their denomination's foundational source. They read it...interpret it...devote their lives to learning it to become professionals in teaching and preaching it. They claim it is the sole authority for what they believe...preach...and teach. Oddly enough, every different Christian denomination is segregated from the other in their denominated buildings due to disagreements over the way they understand and interpret scripture. Yet all claim their denomination came about due to a clearer understanding and "their" correct interpretation of the Bible. Is it at all possible for the Bible to be the sole authority for so many different theological beliefs and doctrines that has caused so much segregation and separation of the Body of Christ as well as sanctioning many atrocities against peo...

There is NO such thing as to much Grace.

Grace, Grace and More Grace..."For where sin abounds Grace MUCH MORE abounds." Grace isn’t just for a sinner's entrance to a believer’s  beginning. Grace is where believers LIVE. If as believers we are not living in Grace, we are NOT  living the Gospel! Therefore, we are NOT preaching the Gospel! Grace is the means of GAINING our earthly relationship with God…Grace is the means of MAINTAINING our earthly relationship with God…Grace is the means of ENDING our earthly relationship with God victoriously! Grace is not the just first step on the stairway of truth to a relationship with God…Grace is the hub and spokes in the wheel of truth that ties us to every aspect of our relationship with God.  We cannot have a relationship with God without Grace. We cannot understand God without Grace. We cannot please God without Grace. We cannot understand the Gospel without Grace. We cannot understand forgiveness without Grace. We cannot understand God's l...

Looking For The Church That Jesus Is Building.

I am looking for the Church that is God inspired...not man attired. I am looking for the Church that is Jesus controlled...not religious hierarchy controlled. I am looking for the Church that Jesus is building...not the church that denominations are building. I am looking for the unified Church of Jesus Christ...not the segregated Church of denominations   I am looking for the Church that is an organism...not an organization. I am looking for the Church that is a daily affecting people...not a Sunday morning  programmed organizational event that entertains people. I am looking for the Church that is concerned about bringing the atmosphere of heaven to earth...rather than bringing the atmosphere of earth to heaven. I am looking for the Church that is consumed with the fire of God's love...not with the fire of  a devil's hell. I am looking for the Church that is the "Community of the Rede...

The LIMITLESS Grace of God.

Grace, Grace and More Grace..."For where sin abounds Grace MUCH MORE abounds." Grace isn’t just for a sinner's entrance to a believer’s  beginning, Grace is where believers LIVE. If as believers we are not living in Grace, we are NOT  living the Gospel! Therefore, we are NOT preaching the Gospel! Grace is the means of GAINING our earthly relationship with God…Grace is the means of MAINTAINING our earthly relationship with God…Grace is the means of ENDING our earthly relationship with God victoriously! Grace is not the just first step on the stairway of truth to a relationship with God…Grace is the hub and spokes in the wheel of truth that ties us to every aspect of our relationship with God.  We cannot have a relationship with God without Grace. We cannot understand God without Grace. We cannot please God without Grace. We cannot understand the Gospel without Grace. We cannot understand forgiveness without Grace...


Is the Bible the Sole Authority for the Different Denominations as they Claim it to be? Preachers in every Christian religious denomination, no matter the name-tag over the door, claim to love and know the "Word of God" referring to the Bible. They read it...interpret it...devote their lives to learning it to become professionals in teaching and preaching it. They claim it is the sole authority for what they believe...preach...and teach. Oddly enough, every different Christian denomination is segregated from the other in their denominated buildings due to disagreements over the way they view and interpret scripture. Yet all claim their denomination came about due to a clearer understanding and "their" correct interpretation of the Bible. Is it at all possible for the Bible to be the sole authority for so many different theological beliefs and doctrines that has caused so much segregation and separation of the Body of Chris...

The Community of the Redeemed.

The Community of the redeemed is made up of believer's whose foundation is Jesus Christ and their function is that in their daily living the Christ life lives and works through them influencing the across-the-path-people they meet within the community of humanity.  They not identified by the religious traditional church system of denominated, segregated and programmed Sunday-event-driven-meetings. Rather their identity is found in the fact that they they are born out of spiritual life instead of being constructed by man-made religious institutions that function and are controlled by the religious hierarchy and religious programs. They do not operate with a us (laity) and them (a hierarchical structure of seminarian trained  denominated professionals) that run the structured institutional churches. Rather, the community of the redeemed is identified by every member functioning in their face-to-face involvement with the across-the-path-people they mee...