Deception's Deceived...Who Are They? Part 3
We live in a world that is awash with a "gospel" that is "NOT" the "Gospel." Because of this deception we have MANY deceived people who believe this "NOT" gospel, is the "Gospel "and are deceiving MANY into believing it too. We indeed perilous times but, I am not referring to the threat of ISIS or the threat of World War 3. I am talking about the acceptance of deception's lies as Truth and presenting it as the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are in dire need of examining ourselves and ask where our loyalties rest. Are we loyal to God...or...are we loyal to religion? Do we believe a particular teaching because it is Biblical or because some seminarian denominated professional said it was Biblical? Because someone is seminarian denominated trained does not mean all he teaches is Bible Truth? Spiritual truth is available, but is found only in the One who said, “I am the way, the truth and the life,” and as taught by His appointed Tea...