Dog-Eat-Dog World.
Instead of understanding and accepting man-made religious doctrines as wrong some religionists slip right into a defense mode defending man-made doctrine by trying to justify it. Take the man-made doctrine of Hate that causes "Christians" to do diabolical evil to other people...there is no stronger defense portrayed by the "Christian Militant" then defending their religious beliefs and actions. Of all the evil that is done in the world...none is as evil as the evil done by religion in the name of God! According to Galatians chapter 5 hatred is a sinful work of the is not of God godly! “Hatred” of people is a work of the flesh, it is against the character of God. Hatred is a flehly atribute that is somewhat expected in the unregenerate or “carnal Christians”, but the scripture teaches that hatred of people is not acceptable with God. God wants believers to be “spiritually minded.” God's love is an unconditional love, which is not...